레이블이 Arbonne Chocolate Protein Shake Nutrition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Arbonne Chocolate Protein Shake Nutrition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'chocolate protein shake'|Healthy Eats: Satisfy Your Chocolate Craving with This Protein Shake

About 'chocolate protein shake'|Healthy Eats: Satisfy Your Chocolate Craving with This Protein Shake

Commercial               diet               shakes,               such               as               Special               K               and               Slim               Fast               offer               dieters               convenience               and               the               opportunity               to               lose               weight               quickly.

However,               you               may               also               tire               easily               of               the               flavors               and               that               could               hamper               your               ability               to               stick               with               the               diet               plan.

Most               shakes               offer               you               chocolate,               vanilla,               and               strawberry               flavor               options.

The               following               recipes               give               you               ideas               for               ways               to               tweak               those               diet               plans               while               adding               flavor               to               diet               shakes.

Diet               Recipes
               Toss               any               flavor               shake               into               a               blender,               add               a               half               cup               to               a               cup               of               ice               and               turn               the               blender               to               ice               crush.

Although               this               doesn't               add               any               calories,               it               does               increase               the               bulk               and               texture               of               the               shake,               perhaps               making               you               feel               more               satisfied.
               Toss               any               flavor               shake               into               a               blender               and               add               a               half               cup               of               frozen               fruit.

You'll               increase               your               calorie               count,               although               not               by               a               lot.

Like               the               ice,               the               frozen               fruit               adds               more               texture               to               the               shake               while               adding               some               flavor.

Try               a               vanilla               shake               with               blueberries,               strawberries,               or               frozen               melon.

Add               mixed               berries               or               strawberries               to               a               chocolate               shake               or               strawberries               to               a               strawberry               shake.
               Add               some               fresh               fruit               to               your               diet               plan               by               adding               in               fresh               berries,               mango,               papaya,               kiwi,               pitted               cherries,               peeled               and               cored               apple,               segmented               orange,               pineapple,               etc.

to               any               of               the               shakes.

To               avoid               increasing               the               calorie               count               too               much,               limit               yourself               to               a               quarter-cup               or               half-cup               of               fruit.

You               could               also               add               a               half               cup               of               ice               to               add               more               bulk.

Put               everything               in               the               blender.
               The               difficulty               with               adding               fruit               is               that               you               may               add               "just               a               bit               more"               although               you               should               remember               even               that               bit               has               calories.

Chances               are               you               are               trying               a               diet               shake               based               plan               because               you               want               to               lose               weight               quickly,               so               watch               out               that               you               don't               go               sneaking               in               calories.

That               said,               add               in               fresh               or               frozen               fruit               as               opposed               to               juice               which               adds               calories               without               giving               you               any               of               the               small               bits               of               fruit               in               the               shake               that               will               trick               you               into               feeling               as               if               you've               consumed               something               more               substantial.
               Shake               Up               Your               Diet               Plan
               What               if               you're               wondering               how               to               lose               weight               with               diet               shakes               without               adding               calories?

Consider               mixing               in               a               diet               soda               to               your               shake.

Avoid               putting               this               in               the               blender               as               you               don't               want               to               lose               the               carbonation.

Pour               the               shake               into               a               large               glass,               add               a               flavored               diet               soda,               and               stir.

If               you               want,               blend               the               shake               with               ice               and               then               stir               in               the               soda.
               Try               diet               orange               soda               with               vanilla               for               a               Creamsicle,               a               chocolate               shake               for               a               dessert-like               flavor,               or               a               strawberry               shake               for               a               fruit               smoothie.

Diet               cream               soda               or               root               beer               with               a               vanilla               diet               shake               is               a               bit               like               having               an               ice               cream               float.

A               cherry-flavored               cola               with               a               chocolate               shake               can               taste               a               bit               like               a               chocolate-covered               cherry.
               Stroll               through               the               soda               aisle               for               interesting               flavors               that               could               blend               well               with               the               basic               diet               shake               flavors.

Adding               a               couple               of               ounces               of               diet               soda               can               make               a               whey               protein               shake               taste               more               treat-like.
               For               other               calorie-free               diet               options,               mix               in               a               half               to               a               full               teaspoon               of               instant               coffee               or               instant               espresso               powder               to               vanilla               or               chocolate               shake               for               a               coffee               shop-inspired               chilled               beverage.
               Although               it               should               go               without               saying,               no               matter               how               tasty               some               chocolate               cookies               could               make               a               diet               soda               if               blended               in,               don't               do               it!

Beyond               mixing               in               a               serving               of               fruit,               avoid               adding               in               any               other               solid               foods               so               you               keep               the               calorie               count               down.

Image of chocolate protein shake

chocolate protein shake
chocolate protein shake

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chocolate protein shake

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chocolate protein shake
chocolate protein shake

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chocolate protein shake
chocolate protein shake

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chocolate protein shake
chocolate protein shake

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