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레이블이 Boost Original Drink인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'boost beverage'|...caloric snacks, improving health education, regulating food and beverage advertising, limiting the foods available in public ...

About 'boost beverage'|...caloric snacks, improving health education, regulating food and beverage advertising, limiting the foods available in public ...

According               to               a               survey               commissioned               earlier               this               year               by               Starbucks,               75               percent               of               Americans               would               be               willing               to               make               sacrifices,               such               as               getting               up               30               minutes               early               or               switching               their               shower               from               morning               to               evening               if               a               healthy               breakfast               was               convenient.

As               a               result,               beginning               September               3,               2008,               Starbucks               introduced               five               new               healthier               breakfast               options               to               its               menu               at               participating               stores               across               the               U.S.

and               Canada.

Starbucks               Perfect               Oatmeal,               Chewy               Fruit               &               Nut               Bar,               Apple               Bran               Muffin,               Berry               Stella               and               Power               Protein               Plate               were               developed               to               help               Starbucks               meet               its               commitment               to               providing               food               and               beverage               selections               that               support               a               healthy               lifestyle.

Each               of               the               five               new               items               are               made               without               artificial               colors,               flavors,               sweeteners               or               high               fructose               corn               syrup               (HFCS).

"Many               Americans               are               too               busy               to               make               a               healthy               breakfast               at               home,               but               it's               the               most               important               meal               of               the               day,"               said               Katie               Thomson,               registered               dietitian               and               senior               nutritionist,               Starbucks               Coffee               Company.

"Our               customers               have               told               us               they               want               delicious               choices               that               offer               real               nutrition               including               whole               grains,               fruit,               and               lean               protein               to               help               fill               them               up               and               give               them               energy               to               make               it               to               lunch."
               In               recent               months,               Starbucks               has               continued               to               move               towards               healthier               food               and               beverage               options.

In               addition               to               the               new               lineup               of               breakfast               options,               in               North               America               Starbucks               has               introduced               2%               milk               as               the               standard               for               core               beverages               and               removed               artificial               trans               fat               from               all               products.

Globally,               they               have               also               reduced               overall               calories,               fat               and               saturated               fat               content               in               core               beverages               and               bakery               items.
               Starbucks,               however,               is               not               alone               in               its               desire               to               boost               its               bottom               line               while               offering               more               healthy               and               nutritious               menu               options.

In               July,               Canton,               Massachusetts-based               Dunkin'               Donuts               unveiled               DDSMART™,               a               menu               of               "better-for-you"               food               and               beverage               options.

To               be               considered               as               DDSMART               and               receive               the               DDSMART               logo,               both               new               or               existing               Dunkin'               Donuts               food               and               beverages               must               meet               at               least               one               of               a               set               of               criteria               which               includes               25%               fewer               calories,               25%               less               sugar,               fat,               saturated               fat               or               sodium               than               comparable               items               and/or               contains               ingredients               that               are               nutritionally               beneficial.
               "Understanding               what               our               busy,               on-the-go               customers               want,               and               constantly               innovating               to               meet               those               needs               is               the               single               biggest               reason               for               our               brand's               growth               and               success.

Both               our               customers               and               franchisees               have               told               us               they're               looking               for               a               greater               breadth               of               menu               choices               that               include               better-for-you               options,               without               compromising               quality,               taste               and               value,"               said               Dunkin'               Donuts               President               and               Chief               Brand               Officer               Will               Kussell               upon               the               introduction               of               DDSMART.

"With               DDSMART,               we               have               enhanced               our               menu               to               ensure               our               restaurants               offer               great-tasting               food               and               beverages               that               fit               any               customer's               lifestyle."
               In               January               2008,               even               Krispy               Kreme               announced               that               all               Krispy               Kreme               products               sold               in               the               United               States               now               have               zero               grams               of               trans               fat.
               Katie               Thomson,               "Starbucks               Further               Extends               Health               &               Wellness               Offerings               with               Five               New               Healthy               Breakfast               Options."               Starbucks               
               Will               Kussell,               "Dunkin'               Donuts               Unveils               DDSMART™,               Company's               First               Menu               of               Better-for-You               Food               and               Beverages."               Dunkin'               Donuts               
               Krispy               Kreme,               "Krispy               Kreme's               Entire               Menu:               Zero               Grams               Trans               Fat."

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