레이블이 Good Protein Foods for Muscle인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Good Protein Foods for Muscle인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'good protein'|Good Hemp Protein - or how you can keep your muscle mass during endurance training

About 'good protein'|Good Hemp Protein - or how you can keep your muscle mass during endurance training

Protein               is               a               structural               element               of               your               body               and               your               baby's               body.

New               tissues               and               organs               grow               by               laying               down               and               combining               millions               of               proteins.

Protein               is               formed               by               amino               acids,               12               of               which               the               body               produces               naturally               and               9               of               which,               called               essential               amino               acids,               must               be               added               to               the               body               through               our               food.

To               make               sure               this               process               happens               properly               eating               complete               proteins               is               necessary               during               pregnancy.

Why               is               protein               important               for               pregnancy               health?
               Protein               has               taken               on               a               new               importance               in               the               health               of               pregnancy               through               the               work               of               Dr.

Tom               Brewer,               a               physician               who               specialized               in               preeclampsia               and               toxemia               patients               in               a               Chicago               suburb               clinic               in               the               1960's.


Brewer's               work               revealed               the               importance               of               good               diet               in               preventing               these               pregnancy               health               risks               and               complications.
               Protein               is               used               to               build               the               baby's               tissues,               build               a               healthy               placenta               and               create               red               blood               cells.

Protein               deficiency               has               been               linked               to               reduced               placental               growth               and               function.

Poor               protein               intake               also               has               a               higher               risk               for               impaired               brain               development               and               increased               risk               of               preecplamsia.
               How               much               protein               for               a               pregnant               woman               need               for               proper               health?
               A               pregnant               woman               needs               about               80               grams               of               complete               protein               each               day               for               optimal               health.

Because               prenatal               vitamins               and               mineral               supplements               do               not               provide               protein               it               is               worth               tracking               how               much               you               are               eating               each               day               during               pregnancy.
               What               is               a               complete               protein               and               an               incomplete               protein?
               Remember               those               9               essential               amino               acids               that               are               needed               through               our               healthy               diet?

Animal               proteins               have               all               9               of               these               essential               amino               acids               and               so               are               considered               complete               protein               sources.

There               are               three               groups               of               vegetable               protein               sources:               grains,               legumes               or               nuts               and               seeds.

These               proteins               are               called               incomplete               proteins               each               group               has               one               or               more               of               the               essential               amino               acids               either               missing               or               in               only               minute               amounts.
               How               can               I               make               sure               I               get               healthy               and               complete               proteins?
               Eating               animal               sources               of               protein               like               eggs,               milk,               fish,               poultry,               and               meats               are               all               sources               of               complete               proteins.

Avoiding               high-fat               and               red               meats               during               pregnancy               is               always               a               healthy               decision               but               eggs,               milk,               fish               and               poultry               are               lean               options.
               For               a               pregnant               vegetarian,               consuming               complete               proteins               means               paying               attention               to               the               protein               groups               and               eating               healthy               foods               from               at               least               two               of               the               three               groups               each               day.

Often,               healthy               meals               can               be               made               from               two               or               more               groups               at               a               single               meal!

Protein               sources               from               the               grain               group               include:               barley,               cornmeal,               oats,               rice,               pasta,               rye               and               wheat.

Healthy               sources               of               protein               from               the               legume               group               include:               beans,               peas,               lentils,               peanuts               and               soy.

The               nuts               and               seeds               category               includes:               sesame               seeds,               sunflower               seeds,               pumpkin               seeds,               walnuts,               cashews               and               almonds.
               In               my               pregnancy               nutrition               classes               I               have               check               sheets               for               my               students               to               keep               track               of               protein               and               other               foods               throughout               the               week               to               make               sure               they               are               meeting               their               minimum               needs               for               health               during               pregnancy.

I               suggest               doing               this               for               at               least               one               week               during               pregnancy               to               make               sure               your               healthy               eating               habits               are               really               as               healthy               as               you               think!
               More               pregnancy               nutrition               and               health               resources               can               be               found               in               the               resource               section               below.

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