레이블이 Best Nutrition Drinks인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Best Nutrition Drinks인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'healthy nutrition drinks'|... to supermarkets in their droves to buy the only source of nutrition they could 'cook' at 'home' without being turned out on the streets...

About 'healthy nutrition drinks'|... to supermarkets in their droves to buy the only source of nutrition they could 'cook' at 'home' without being turned out on the streets...

In               the               quest               for               weight               loss,               calorie               confusion               is               running               wild               across               America.

The               average               American               reads               a               large               amount               of               dietary               information               and               eventually               underestimates               the               power               of               calories,               which               lobbed               by               the               nation's               major               restaurant               chains               records               unprecedented               nutritional               impact               on               our               health.

We've               been               bombarded               by               fat-free,               sugar-free,               reduced-fat,               low-fat               products               and               we               are               certain               we               consume               healthy               products.

What               we               miss               though               is               that               all               these               fancy               terms               actually               translate               into               preservatives,               excessive               carbs,               high               glycemic               index               and               artificial               sweeteners.

All               these               seemingly-healthy               foods               may               actually               be               a               calorie               punch               to               our               diet.
               Definitely,               there               are               some               foods               that               you               need               to               keep               an               eye               on               as               they               are               harmful               to               your               health               and               overall               wellness.

That               said,               here's               a               relevant               list:

Diet               Drinks               /               Diet               Soda
               There               has               been               quite               some               debate               about               diet               drinks,               and               diet               soda               in               particular.

Some               people               think               it's               healthy               because               it's               sugar-free.

However,               clinical               studies               have               shown               that               sugar-free               translates               into               artificial               sweeteners.

Diet               soda               contains               high               amounts               of               controversed               aspartame,               which               combined               with               the               flavours               and               colours               of               diet               drinks,               develops               a               harmful               carcinogenic               effect               on               the               human               body.

In               addition,               in               the               absence               of               sugar,               the               effect               of               caffeine               is               intensified               leading               to               hyperactivity,               high               blood               pressure               and               increased               levels               of               blood               sugar.

A               healthy               alternative               is               water,               green               tea,               or               a               glass               of               milk.

Fruit               Juices,               Dried               Fruits,               and               Fruit               Cocktails
               Eating               fresh               fruits               is               healthy               because               they               are               high               in               vitamins,               antioxidants,               fiber               and               minerals.

In               contrast,               fruit               juices               and               fruit               cocktails               contain               sugar               syrup,               lots               of               preservatives               and               no               fiber.

Dried               fruits               contain               high               amounts               of               sugar,               although               they               are,               supposedly,               sugar               free.

A               healthy               alternative               is               eating               the               whole               fruit               with               the               skin               limiting               it               to               one               per               meal.

For               fruit               cocktails               it               is               healthy               to               eat               the               packaged               fruits               that               come               with               their               own               juices               instead               of               syrup.

Cottage               Cheese
               Cottage               cheese               is               one               of               the               best               sources               of               protein               and               provides               the               dietary               calcium               that               many               women               lacking               in               their               diets.

However,               it               contains               high               amounts               of               sodium.

Excess               sodium               causes               water               weight               gain               and               bloating               which               may               impede               your               motivation               to               lose               more               weight               as               the               scale               won't               be               moving               downwards.

As               an               alternative               you               can               eat               low               sodium               cottage               cheese.

Yogurt               with               fruits               at               the               bottom
               Eating               yogurt               and               fruits               separately               is               some               of               the               healthiest               choices.

However,               eating               yogurt               cups               with               fruits               is               totally               unhealthy               because               they               contain               double               amounts               of               sugar               (20g               per               ½               cup)               and               corn               syrup.

A               healthy               alternative               is               to               buy               unflavoured               yogurt               and               mix               it               with               freshly               cut               pieces               of               fruits.

Reduced-Fat               Peanut               Butter
               Regular               peanut               butter               contains               high               amounts               of               monosaturated               fat,               which               is               a               great               protein               source               and               contributes               to               heart               disease               prevention.

However,               reduced-fat               peanut               butter               is               high               in               calories               and               can               add               up               far               too               many               calories               to               your               diet.
               In               addition,               reduced-fat               peanut               butter               contains               high               amounts               of               additives               and               hydrogenated               vegetable               oil,               which               is               the               key               source               of               artery-clogging               trans               fats.

A               healthy               alternative               is               to               prepare               peanut               butter               at               home               with               olive               oil               that               is               highly               beneficial.

               Peanuts               are               rich               in               monosaturated               fats,               vitamin               E,               fiber,               magnesium,               and               copper               that               can               reduce               the               risk               of               cardiovascular               diseases.

However,               peanuts               contain               high               amounts               of               omega-6               fats               that               distort               the               omega-3               to               omega-6               ratio.

Normally,               the               ratio               should               be               1:1               per               each               omega               fatty               acid               so               that               our               health               is               protected               from               diabetes,               rheumatoid               arthritis               and               Alzheimer's.

With               the               excessive               amount               of               omega-6,               the               beneficial               effect               of               peanuts               is               reduced.

In               addition,               they               are               highly               susceptible               to               aflatoxin               contamination               as               well               as               to               pesticide               contamination.

Corn               Oil
               Corn               oil               contributes               to               the               reduction               of               cholesterol               levels               because               it               is               rich               in               omega-6fatty               acids.

Yet,               similarly               like               peanuts,               it               contains               60               times               more               omega-6               acids               than               omega-3s.

This               results               in               increased               risk               of               arthritis,               cancer               and               obesity.

A               healthy               alternative               is               canola               oil               and               olive               oil               that               have               better               omega               6               to               omega               3               ratio.

Fast-Food               Salads
               Meal-sized               salads               have               become               one               of               the               biggest               nutritional               gaffes               of               restaurant               menus.

They               are               high               in               sugar-laden               dressings               and               their               croutons               are               made               from               refined               white               flour.

Apart               from               being               high               in               fats               and               calories,               they               also               contain               large               amounts               of               sodium               which               cause               the               body               to               retain               water               weight.

This               adds               up               to               700               calories,               which               can               translate               into               20               pounds               a               year               if               you               eat               out               twice               a               week.

Instead               of               eating               a               Caesar               Salad               in               a               fast               food               restaurant               is               healthier               to               make               your               own               salad.

Granola               Bars
               Granola               bars               contain               natural               oats,               nuts               and               raisins               that               are               highly               nutritional.

However,               they               are               glued               together               with               high               fructose               corn               syrup               that               increases               blood               sugar               levels.
               The               list               of               counterfeit               foods               may               be               endless,               but               luckily               there               are               many               healthy               alternatives.

Fortunately,               fruits               and               vegetables               remain               a               vital               component               of               a               healthy               nutrition,               but               now               we               can               look               for               tricky               'healthy'               phrases               plastered               on               food               containers.
               Unfortunately,               globalization               has               affected               food               industry               in               ways               that               are               beyond               our               control.

Food               manufacturers               need               to               increase               their               profitability               and               this               means               longer               shelf               life,               more               preservatives               and               less               natural               ingredients.
               The               good               news               is               that               the               more               we               read               articles               about               healthy               nutrition,               the               more               we               become               capable               of               discovering               these               frauds               so               as               to               keep               away               from               these               fat-free,               sugar-free               killers.

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    2013년 11월 29일 금요일

    About 'drink nutrition'|Health Nutrition Guide-Your Likely Drinking Wrinkle Fertilizer

    About 'drink nutrition'|Health Nutrition Guide-Your Likely Drinking Wrinkle Fertilizer

    I               do               my               best               to               provide               my               children               with               the               proper               elements               needed               for               a               healthy               diet.

    Sometimes               they               go               through               phases               where               they               become               picky               about               what               they               eat,               so               I               use               a               nutritional               drink               called               PediaSure               to               supplement               their               regular               diet.

    What               I               Like               About               PediaSure
                   PediaSure               is               pediatrician               recommended               and               comes               in               ready               to               drink               individual               eight-ounce               bottles.

    It               is               designed               as               a               nutritional               supplement               for               kids               ages               one               to               13.

    The               PediaSure               nutritional               drink               supplements               are               great               for               children               to               enjoy               between               meals               or               on               the               go.

    You               can               also               use               it               as               a               sole               source               of               nutrition               for               children               (talk               to               your               child's               pediatrician).
                   What               My               Kids               Love               About               PediaSure
                   My               kids               love               the               smooth               creamy               taste               of               the               PediaSure.

    Their               taste               buds               never               get               bored               because               there               are               five               different               flavors               to               choose               from.

    Banana               cream,               orange               cream,               strawberry,               chocolate,               and               vanilla               (with               or               without               fiber).
                   Packaging               of               PediaSure
                   The               packaging               of               the               PediaSure               is               adorable.

    The               eight-ounce               bottles               are               blue               and               white               with               a               picture               of               a               teddy               bear               wearing               a               t-shirt,               jeans,               and               a               pair               of               tennis               shoes.
                   The               bottles               are               made               of               plastic               so               you               don't               have               to               worry               about               your               small               children               breaking               the               containers               if               they               accidentally               drop               them.
                   The               bottles               are               actually               sturdy               enough               to               reuse.

    I               use               a               bottle               brush               to               wash               a               few               of               the               containers               and               I               use               them               to               conveniently               store               juice,               milk               or               water               when               we               are               on               the               go.
                   Cost               of               PediaSure
                   The               PediaSure               is               a               great               product               but               it's               not               something               that               everyone               can               afford.

    It               can               set               your               wallet               back               $10.00               to               $12.00               for               a               pack               of               six               eight-ounce               containers.

    That's               quite               pricey,               especially               if               you               are               trying               to               provide               the               nutritional               supplement               for               more               than               one               child.
                   Nutritional               Value               of               PediaSure
                   According               to               the               label,               PediaSure               provides               100%               or               more               of               the               Dietary               Reference               Intakes               (DRIs)               for               protein,               vitamins               and               minerals.
                   What               I               Would               Change               About               PediaSure
                   Although               the               label               listed               sugar               (sucrose)               as               one               of               the               ingredients               of               the               PediaSure               nutritional               drink,               It               never               disclosed               exactly               how               much               it               contained.

    Just               from               tasting               it,               I               would               suspect               that               it               was               more               than               a               lot               of               parents               would               want               their               children               to               have.
                   Overall               I               think               that               the               PediaSure               is               great               for               an               occasional               boost               to               a               child's               nutrition,               especially               when               they               are               going               through               those               phases               where               they               just               don't               want               to               eat.

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    2013년 11월 24일 일요일

    About 'nourishment drink'|... these priestly types on TV we are attempting to drink from their well, an impossibility and a hoax as cheaply perpetrated on the...

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    Surprise               someone               special               by               planning               a               romantic               Valentine's               Day               evening               at               home.

    To               pull               this               off,               the               romantic               day               has               to               be               exceptional.

    This               is               a               day               of               passion,               and               love.

    Lover's               have               cried               bloody               tears               and               composed               music               in               the               name               of               love.

    This               can               be               a               day               to               say               'I               love               you'               or               a               day               to               ask               for               ones               hand               in               marriage.

    Love               and               passion,               friendship               and               joy,               happiness               and               gentleness,               or               the               gentle               passion               of               lovers               who               are               each               other's               best               friends               -               a               choice               makes               the               day               a               special               one,               perhaps               to               remember               for               a               lifetime.

    Something               romantic               often               becomes               that               way               because               it               seems               rare,               mysterious,               mystical,               secretive,               or               protected.

    Begin               this               process               by               creating               an               air               of               anticipation               for               a               romantic               Valentine's               Day.

    Create               an               Air               of               Anticipation!
                   Send               a               romantic               invitation.
                   (Senders               name)               
                   Requests               the               pleasure               of               
                   (Receivers               name)               
                   On               Wednesday               evening,               February               Fourteenth,               at               six               o'clock               
                   The               favor               of               an               answer               is               requested
                   Do               not               include               on               the               invitation               that               this               romantic               evening               will               be               at               home.

    Keep               this               information               a               secret               for               now.
                   Make               the               invitation               a               romantic               Valentine's               Day               card.

    The               outside               of               the               card               might               read               'From               your               Valentine'.
                   [The               legend               of               St.

                   There               are               several               legends               about               St.


    In               one               particular               legend,               St.

    Valentine               tried               to               keep               the               Romans               from               beating               and               torturing               Christians.

    Imprisoned               and               eventually               killed               because               of               his               efforts,               he               sent               the               first               Valentine               himself.

    While               in               prison,               he               fell               in               love               with               his               jailor's               daughter.

    Before               his               death,               he               wrote               her               a               letter               and               signed               it               'From               your               Valentine'.]
                   Dab               the               scent               of               roses               on               the               Valentine's               Day               card               to               make               it               more               romantic.

    Find               potpourri               oils               in               hobby               stores               or               stores               with               hobby               departments.
                   [Folklore               of               roses:
                   Unlike               the               few               legends               of               St.

    Valentine,               the               folklore               of               roses               seems               endless.

    The               following               is               only               one               story:               
                   The               Greeks               link               the               rose               to               love,               beauty,               passion,               and               purity.

    Aphrodite               was               the               Greek               goddess               of               love               and               beauty.

    Sea               foam,               dripped               from               the               body               of               Aphrodite               as               she               was               born               and               turned               to               white               roses,               according               to               the               poet               Anacreon.

    White               roses               symbolize               purity               and               innocence.

    When               she               tried               to               help               her               wounded               lover               Adonis,               she               shed               drops               of               blood               onto               white               roses               and               turned               them               red.

    Thus,               red               roses               represented               love               and               passion.]
                   An               alternative               to               rose               scent               is               to               spray               or               dab               the               Valentine's               Day               card               with               perfume               or               cologne.

    The               main               idea               is               to               have               a               memorable               scent.

    This               scent               should               also               be               part               of               the               romantic               Valentine's               Day               event.
                   Tie               a               romantic               silky               ribbon               around               the               Valentine's               Day               card.

    Attach               the               ribbon               to               the               card               so               it               stays               with               the               card               by               gluing               the               ribbon               to               the               back               of               the               card.
                   Set               the               Mood               for               the               Romantic               Valentine's               Day               Evening
                   Aromas               and               fragrances               often               conjure               up               very               vivid               memories.

    Plan               to               use               romantic               fragrances               and               aromas               for               this               occasion.

    Use               scented               candles,               potpourris,               or               incense               to               set               the               fragrance               mood.

    A               romantic               Valentine's               Day               is               for               roses               so               the               aromas               and               fragrances               of               Roses               are               usually               associated               with               Valentine's               Day.

    Other               romantic               fragrances               are               Jasmine,               Gardenia,               and               Sandalwood.

    Jasmine               and               Gardenia               fragrances               are               more               often               associated               with               weddings.

    Sandalwood               is               associated               with               the               romanticism               of               India.
                   Experiment               in               the               home               to               see               which               scents               seem               to               smell               best               and               are               easiest               to               handle.
                   The               sounds               of               the               romantic               Valentine's               Day               experience               are               very               important               also.

    Beethoven's               "Moonlight               Sonata"               is               a               classical               example               that               is               beautiful               when               played               during               the               meal.

    This               allows               the               couple               to               enjoy               the               music               and               talk.
                   [History               of               "Moonlight               Sonata":               
                   Beethoven               composed               this               famous               Sonata               and               dedicated               it               to               Countess               Giulietta               Guicciardi               in               1801.

    Historians               believe               they               fell               in               love               and               he               proposed               to               her,               but               one               of               her               parents               prohibited               them               from               marrying.]
                   Look               around               the               home               to               see               what               romantic               music               is               already               available.

    A               couple               will               often               have               their               favorite               music               nearby.

    What               one               couple               considers               a               romantic               song,               another               couple               is               not               going               to               like.

    Following               are               only               some               suggestions:
                   "A               Moment               Like               This"               by               Kelly               Clarkson               
                   "And               I               Love               Her"               by               The               Beatles               
                   "Best               of               My               Love"               by               the               Eagles               
                   "Can't               Take               My               Eyes               Off               You"               by               Frank               Valli               
                   "Do               You               Wanna               Dance?"               by               Johnny               Rivers,               (this               is               a               fast-paced               dancing               song)               
                   "Every               Breath               You               Take"               by               Police               
                   "Have               I               Told               You               Lately               that               I               Love               You?"               by               Van               Morrison,               Rod               Stewart               
                   "I               Had               the               Time               of               My               life"               by               Bill               Medley               and               Jennifer               Warnes               from               the               movie               Dirty               Dancing               
                   "I               Just               Called               To               Say               I               Love               You"               by               Stevie               Wonder               
                   "If               That's               What               It               Takes"               by               Bon               Jovi               
                   "I               Want               You,               I               Need               You,               I               Love               You"               by               Elvis               Presley               
                   "I               Will               Always               Love               You"               by               Whitney               Houston               
                   "My               Cherie               Amour"               by               Stevie               Wonder               
                   "Only               Wanna               Be               With               You"               by               Hootie               and               the               Blowfish               
                   "Rose"               by               Bette               Midler               
                   "Take               My               Breath               Away"               by               Berlin               from               the               movie               Tom               Gun               
                   "Unchained               Melody"               by               The               Righteous               Brothers               from               the               movie               Ghost               
                   "Unforgettable"               by               Nat               King               Cole,               Natalie               Cole               
                   "Valentine"               by               Martina               McBride               
                   "You               Are               So               Beautiful"               by               Joe               Cocker               
                   "You               Were               Wonderful               Tonight"               by               Eric               Clapton
                   What               will               make               this               home               look               more               romantic               on               Valentine's               Day?

    Set               the               dining               room               table               for               two.

    Take               any               extra               leaves               out               of               the               table;               a               smaller               table               is               a               more               intimate               table.

    Make               the               table               as               formal               as               possible.

    Use               a               solid-colored               cloth               tablecloth,               preferably,               white               or               off-white.

    Take               advantage               of               silver               or               stainless               place               settings.

    Make               use               of               fine               china.

    This               is               for               special               people,               so               make               it               look               as               impressive               as               possible.

    Instead               of               placing               the               chairs               across               from               each               other,               try               setting               them               next               to               each               other.

    Make               sure               both               people               have               a               romantic               view.
                   Set               out               lots               of               candles               to               create               a               romantic               mood.

    Turn               the               lights               out.

    Romance               has               been               around               much               longer               than               Edison.

    Perhaps,               some               lights               are               romantic               but               candles               are               the               real               thing.

    Keep               lit               candles               away               from               flammable               materials               and               leaving               them               unattended               is               dangerous.

    Moonlight               or               starlight               is               even               more               romantic               than               candlelight!
                   The               centerpiece               should               include               roses.

    The               first               instinct               may               be               to               order               a               dozen               red               roses               for               the               perfect               romantic               Valentine's               Day,               but               check               the               symbolism               of               roses               just               in               case.
                   [Symbolism               of               roses:
                   A               single               red               rose               means,               "I               love               you".

                   Two               red               roses               entwined               is               a               promise               of               engagement.
                   Red               roses               are               for               love               and               passion               but               also               respect.

                   Yellow               roses               are               for               friendship               and               joy.

                   Pink               roses               mean               friendship               or               sweetheart               or               happiness               and               gentleness               
                   Combining               Red,               Yellow               and               Pink               roses               stands               for               the               ideal               relationship               -               the               gentle               passion               of               lovers               who               are               each               other's               best               friends.
                   White               roses               symbolize               true               love               and               purity               of               the               mind;               young               girls,               who               are               too               young               for               the               passion               of               red               roses,               customarily               receive               white               roses.

    Combine               white               roses               with               red               roses               to               symbolize               harmony,               unity               and               pure               love.
                   Peach               roses               symbolize               a               desire               to               get               to               know               each               other               better.

                   Purple               roses               mean               love               at               first               sight.

    Combine               these               two               for               the               perfect               flowers               to               give               on               a               first               date               or               on               a               first               Valentine's               Day.]
                   Please               order               roses               early.

    The               day               before               Valentine's               Day               is               usually               too               late.

    Allow               no               less               than               a               week,               preferably               more               time               if               possible.

    (Contact               the               florist.)               Florists               appreciate               a               considerate               customer.
                   The               Invitation               or               romantic               Valentine's               Day               card               was               the               first               experience               of               touch               with               the               romantic               silky               ribbon.

    When               that               special               person               sees               the               same               silky               ribbon               on               the               dining               table               at               home,               they               will               remember               the               romantic               Valentine's               Day               card.

    Use               the               romantic               ribbon               as               napkin               rings               and               make               use               of               it               in               your               centerpiece.
                   The               tablecloth,               the               utensils,               the               glasses,               the               napkins               all               contribute               to               the               sense               of               touch.

    Do               not               be               afraid               to               set               a               rose               or               two               out,               tie               them               with               a               ribbon,               and               allow               them               to               be               touched.

    During               the               meal,               finger               food               will               add               to               the               sense               of               touch.
                   This               is               home,               touch               can               be               shared               with               kisses               and...wait,               wait...first               the               meal.
                   On               Valentine's               Day,               people               often               try               to               include               aphrodisiacs               in               their               lists               of               food               to               eat.

    The               word               aphrodisiac               comes               from               Aphrodite,               the               name               of               the               Greek               goddess               of               sexual               love               and               beauty.

    Because               Aphrodite               was               of               the               sea,               things               related               to               Aphrodite               include               a               relationship               to               the               sea.

    Therefore,               consider               most               food               from               the               sea               as               aphrodisiacs.

    Oysters               are               the               most               famous               of               these.

    As               a               rule,               aphrodisiacs               are               very               healthy               foods.
                   Oysters               are               healthy               seafood               that               includes               high               amounts               of               zinc.

    Legend               is               that               Casanova               ate               50               raw               oysters               every               morning.
                   Wine               is               an               aphrodisiac,               perhaps               because               a               few               glasses               reduce               inhibitions.

    However,               more               than               a               couple               of               glasses               make               most               people               very               sleepy.

    Red               wine               contains               antioxidants.

    If               both               people               are               at               home,               no               designated               driver               needed.

    So               stay               home!
                   Horseradish               pulp               is               supposedly               another               aphrodisiac.

    Horseradish               is               one               of               the               main               ingredients               in               shrimp               cocktail               sauce.

    Shrimp               from               the               sea               along               with               this               sauce               made               with               so               much               horseradish               should               be               a               wonderful               aphrodisiac.
                   Chocolate               was               the               Aztecs               "nourishment               of               the               Gods".

    It               has               more               antioxidants               than               red               wine.

    Try               dark               chocolate               with               a               glass               of               Cabernet.
                   Caviar,               celery,               chili,               garlic,               liquorice,               mustard,               vanilla               and               asparagus               are               other               foods               considered               aphrodisiacs.
                   Pineapple,               strawberries,               raspberries               and               grapes               are               all               finger               food               aphrodisiacs.

    What               is               more               romantic               than               feeding               these               to               each               other?
                   A               Final               Note
                   Whatever               the               meal,               both               participants               should               be               fresh               and               ready               to               enjoy               themselves.

    A               full               course               meal               with               a               tired               and               exhausted               participant               is               not               very               enjoyable               for               either               person.

    Make               it               fun.


    Eat,               drink,               and               be               merry!

    Have               a               Happy               Valentine's               Day               at               home!

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