레이블이 List of Healthy Drinks인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 List of Healthy Drinks인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'healthy nutrition drinks'|... to supermarkets in their droves to buy the only source of nutrition they could 'cook' at 'home' without being turned out on the streets...

About 'healthy nutrition drinks'|... to supermarkets in their droves to buy the only source of nutrition they could 'cook' at 'home' without being turned out on the streets...

In               the               quest               for               weight               loss,               calorie               confusion               is               running               wild               across               America.

The               average               American               reads               a               large               amount               of               dietary               information               and               eventually               underestimates               the               power               of               calories,               which               lobbed               by               the               nation's               major               restaurant               chains               records               unprecedented               nutritional               impact               on               our               health.

We've               been               bombarded               by               fat-free,               sugar-free,               reduced-fat,               low-fat               products               and               we               are               certain               we               consume               healthy               products.

What               we               miss               though               is               that               all               these               fancy               terms               actually               translate               into               preservatives,               excessive               carbs,               high               glycemic               index               and               artificial               sweeteners.

All               these               seemingly-healthy               foods               may               actually               be               a               calorie               punch               to               our               diet.
               Definitely,               there               are               some               foods               that               you               need               to               keep               an               eye               on               as               they               are               harmful               to               your               health               and               overall               wellness.

That               said,               here's               a               relevant               list:

Diet               Drinks               /               Diet               Soda
               There               has               been               quite               some               debate               about               diet               drinks,               and               diet               soda               in               particular.

Some               people               think               it's               healthy               because               it's               sugar-free.

However,               clinical               studies               have               shown               that               sugar-free               translates               into               artificial               sweeteners.

Diet               soda               contains               high               amounts               of               controversed               aspartame,               which               combined               with               the               flavours               and               colours               of               diet               drinks,               develops               a               harmful               carcinogenic               effect               on               the               human               body.

In               addition,               in               the               absence               of               sugar,               the               effect               of               caffeine               is               intensified               leading               to               hyperactivity,               high               blood               pressure               and               increased               levels               of               blood               sugar.

A               healthy               alternative               is               water,               green               tea,               or               a               glass               of               milk.

Fruit               Juices,               Dried               Fruits,               and               Fruit               Cocktails
               Eating               fresh               fruits               is               healthy               because               they               are               high               in               vitamins,               antioxidants,               fiber               and               minerals.

In               contrast,               fruit               juices               and               fruit               cocktails               contain               sugar               syrup,               lots               of               preservatives               and               no               fiber.

Dried               fruits               contain               high               amounts               of               sugar,               although               they               are,               supposedly,               sugar               free.

A               healthy               alternative               is               eating               the               whole               fruit               with               the               skin               limiting               it               to               one               per               meal.

For               fruit               cocktails               it               is               healthy               to               eat               the               packaged               fruits               that               come               with               their               own               juices               instead               of               syrup.

Cottage               Cheese
               Cottage               cheese               is               one               of               the               best               sources               of               protein               and               provides               the               dietary               calcium               that               many               women               lacking               in               their               diets.

However,               it               contains               high               amounts               of               sodium.

Excess               sodium               causes               water               weight               gain               and               bloating               which               may               impede               your               motivation               to               lose               more               weight               as               the               scale               won't               be               moving               downwards.

As               an               alternative               you               can               eat               low               sodium               cottage               cheese.

Yogurt               with               fruits               at               the               bottom
               Eating               yogurt               and               fruits               separately               is               some               of               the               healthiest               choices.

However,               eating               yogurt               cups               with               fruits               is               totally               unhealthy               because               they               contain               double               amounts               of               sugar               (20g               per               ½               cup)               and               corn               syrup.

A               healthy               alternative               is               to               buy               unflavoured               yogurt               and               mix               it               with               freshly               cut               pieces               of               fruits.

Reduced-Fat               Peanut               Butter
               Regular               peanut               butter               contains               high               amounts               of               monosaturated               fat,               which               is               a               great               protein               source               and               contributes               to               heart               disease               prevention.

However,               reduced-fat               peanut               butter               is               high               in               calories               and               can               add               up               far               too               many               calories               to               your               diet.
               In               addition,               reduced-fat               peanut               butter               contains               high               amounts               of               additives               and               hydrogenated               vegetable               oil,               which               is               the               key               source               of               artery-clogging               trans               fats.

A               healthy               alternative               is               to               prepare               peanut               butter               at               home               with               olive               oil               that               is               highly               beneficial.

               Peanuts               are               rich               in               monosaturated               fats,               vitamin               E,               fiber,               magnesium,               and               copper               that               can               reduce               the               risk               of               cardiovascular               diseases.

However,               peanuts               contain               high               amounts               of               omega-6               fats               that               distort               the               omega-3               to               omega-6               ratio.

Normally,               the               ratio               should               be               1:1               per               each               omega               fatty               acid               so               that               our               health               is               protected               from               diabetes,               rheumatoid               arthritis               and               Alzheimer's.

With               the               excessive               amount               of               omega-6,               the               beneficial               effect               of               peanuts               is               reduced.

In               addition,               they               are               highly               susceptible               to               aflatoxin               contamination               as               well               as               to               pesticide               contamination.

Corn               Oil
               Corn               oil               contributes               to               the               reduction               of               cholesterol               levels               because               it               is               rich               in               omega-6fatty               acids.

Yet,               similarly               like               peanuts,               it               contains               60               times               more               omega-6               acids               than               omega-3s.

This               results               in               increased               risk               of               arthritis,               cancer               and               obesity.

A               healthy               alternative               is               canola               oil               and               olive               oil               that               have               better               omega               6               to               omega               3               ratio.

Fast-Food               Salads
               Meal-sized               salads               have               become               one               of               the               biggest               nutritional               gaffes               of               restaurant               menus.

They               are               high               in               sugar-laden               dressings               and               their               croutons               are               made               from               refined               white               flour.

Apart               from               being               high               in               fats               and               calories,               they               also               contain               large               amounts               of               sodium               which               cause               the               body               to               retain               water               weight.

This               adds               up               to               700               calories,               which               can               translate               into               20               pounds               a               year               if               you               eat               out               twice               a               week.

Instead               of               eating               a               Caesar               Salad               in               a               fast               food               restaurant               is               healthier               to               make               your               own               salad.

Granola               Bars
               Granola               bars               contain               natural               oats,               nuts               and               raisins               that               are               highly               nutritional.

However,               they               are               glued               together               with               high               fructose               corn               syrup               that               increases               blood               sugar               levels.
               The               list               of               counterfeit               foods               may               be               endless,               but               luckily               there               are               many               healthy               alternatives.

Fortunately,               fruits               and               vegetables               remain               a               vital               component               of               a               healthy               nutrition,               but               now               we               can               look               for               tricky               'healthy'               phrases               plastered               on               food               containers.
               Unfortunately,               globalization               has               affected               food               industry               in               ways               that               are               beyond               our               control.

Food               manufacturers               need               to               increase               their               profitability               and               this               means               longer               shelf               life,               more               preservatives               and               less               natural               ingredients.
               The               good               news               is               that               the               more               we               read               articles               about               healthy               nutrition,               the               more               we               become               capable               of               discovering               these               frauds               so               as               to               keep               away               from               these               fat-free,               sugar-free               killers.

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