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2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'ensure diabetic'|Diabetic Foot Health: Podiatric Treatments for Diabetes

About 'ensure diabetic'|Diabetic Foot Health: Podiatric Treatments for Diabetes

               Considered               a               prevalant               chronic               disorder               in               children,               pediatric               Type               2               Diabetes               is               increasing               in               numbers               with               10               to               15               percent               of               all               children               becoming               obese               leading               to               a               Type               2               Diabetes               diagnosis.

For               many               parents,               allowing               children               to               eat               what               they               want               when               they               want               it,               results               in               a               signifcant               health               hazard               and               may               have               life               long               implications.

Understanding               proper               eating               habits,               the               importance               of               fitness               and               the               treatment               options               will               ensure               the               child               is               protected               from               life               threatening               complications.
               For               a               child               suffering               from               Type               2               Diabetes,               the               pancreas               is               not               correctly               maintaining               insulin               in               the               body.

Symptoms               of               pediatric               Type               2               Diabetes               may               include               an               increase               in               urination               frequency,               fatigue,               significant               weight               fluctuations               and               extreme               thirst.

For               children               with               a               severe               case               of               untreated               Type               2               diabetes,               the               emotional               state               may               become               extremely               irritable               and               lethargic.

It               is               when               the               child               becomes               lethargic               that               many               parents               then               step               in               and               begin               to               focus               on               the               diet               and               exercise               of               the               child.

When               continually               untreated,               pediatric               Type               2               Diabetes               may               lead               to               blindness,               non               healing               infections               and,               ultimately,               kidney               infections               and               renal               failure.
               For               a               child               suffering               from               pediatric               Type               2               Diabetes,               diet               and               exercise               are               important.

Providing               a               healthy               diet               at               home               will               guide               the               child               into               healthy               eating               habits               into               adulthood.

The               pediatrician               will               commonly               recommend               a               decrease               in               sugar               and               complex               carbohydrates               and               an               exercise               program               for               the               diabetic               child               followed               by               frequent               doctor's               appointments               to               check               the               health               status               and               glucose               levels               of               the               child.
               When               diet               and               exercise               do               not               prove               successful,               in               the               treatment               of               pediatric               Type               2               Diabetes,               the               pediatrician               may               suggest               prescription               insulin               regulating               medications               which               vary               from               oral               tablet               administration               to               insulin               injections.

For               most               children,               falling               into               the               routine               of               daily               medication               administration               is               quite               difficult.
               Because               pediatric               Type               2               Diabetes               is               generally               caused               by               unhealthy               eating               habits,               as               parents               the               focus               should               remain               focused               on               incorporating               healthy               foods               slowly.

Encouraging               children               to               participate               in               food               preparation               and               choosing               meals               will               allow               for               a               better               sense               of               control.

Additionally,               incorporation               structured               sports               of               family               fitness               time,               if               even               for               30               minutes               per               day,               will               prove               significant               results.

With               an               aggressive               approach               to               treatment,               some               children               will               cure               the               pediatric               Type               2               Diabetes               and               eliminate               the               need               for               daily               medication               usage.
               As               parents,               the               primary               focus               should               be               to               educate               the               children               on               healthy               dietary               choices,               engaging               in               regular               fitness               programs               and               following               medical               recommendations               when               needed.

By               instilling               these               values               in               children,               at               a               young               age,               obesity               and               the               progression               of               Type               2               diabetes,               in               children,               can               be               averted.

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