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About 'ensure plus fiber'|Fibre: Selling 2011 Fleeces

About 'ensure plus fiber'|Fibre: Selling 2011 Fleeces

Probiotics               are               good               microorganisms,               usually               good               bacteria,               that               are               similar               to               the               helpful               bacteria               found               in               the               human               intestinal               tract.

These               live               active               bacteria               help               regulate               digestion               and               improve               the               health               of               the               person               who               ingests               them.

These               microorganisms               can               be               found               in               fermented               foods               such               as               sauerkraut,               or               in               fermented               dairy               products               including               yogurt,               buttermilk,               and               kefir.

It               is               recommended               that               people               who               have               been               on               antibiotics               or               who               have               digestive               upset               should               take               in               some               form               of               probiotics               from               either               food               or               supplements               to               help               replenish               their               own               natural               bacteria.

Yogurt               is               probably               the               most               commonly               eaten               probiotic               food.

It               provides               calcium               to               help               build               strong               bones               which               prevents               osteoporosis.

Yogurt               can               also               help               strengthen               the               immune               system               and               prevent               vaginal               yeast               infections               in               women.

Studies               also               show               that               low               fat               yogurt               may               lower               LDL               "bad"               cholesterol               and               raise               HDL               "good"               cholesterol.

It               also               provides               protein               that               can               help               fill               you               up.

Greek               yogurt               is               especially               good               for               this.

It               has               twice               the               amount               of               protein               than               regular               yogurt.

When               buying               any               type               of               yogurt,               choose               one               that               is               low               in               fat,               low               in               sugar               and               contains               live               active               cultures.
               Kefir               is               another               commonly               known               probiotic               drink.

It               is               a               milk               drink               that               Kefir               grains               have               been               added               and               then               fermented.

Kefir               is               usually               used               in               a               smoothie               with               added               ingredients,               such               as               sugar,               since               plain               Kefir               is               often               very               sour.

Its               probiotic               effect               is               similar               to               that               of               yogurt,               helping               to               reduce               cholesterol               (especially               if               it               contains               plant               stanols)               and               may               also               help               reduce               blood               pressure.

However,               kefir               contains               different               live               active               cultures               than               yogurt               and               may               have               a               better               probiotic               effect               than               yogurt.

Eating               a               variety               of               low               fat               dairy               products               will               help               ensure               you               get               all               the               health               benefits               of               these               different               foods.
               Prebiotics               are               the               indigestible               part               of               fruits,               vegetables               and               whole               grains               that               can               stimulate               the               growth               and               activity               of               good               bacteria               in               the               digestive               tract.

Effective               prebiotics               are               essentially               soluble               fiber-               the               type               of               fiber               that               dissolves               in               the               blood--               from               plants               that               become               food               for               the               helpful               bacteria               needed               for               healthy               digestion.

Insoluble               fiber               -               the               type               that               does               not               dissolve               in               the               blood--               also               has               some               prebiotic               affects.

However,               insoluble               fiber               is               not               as               efficient               as               soluble               fiber               at               feeding               the               healthy               microorganisms               in               our               bodies.

Inulin               is               a               type               of               prebiotic               that               is               found               in               some               root               vegetables               such               as               chicory               root.

It               is               added               to               some               foods               including               yogurt               to               increase               the               prebiotic/probiotic               interaction.

This               reaction               is               called               synbiotics.

When               synbiotics               occurs,               prebiotics               and               probiotics               are               working               together               to               improve               the               natural               microflora               in               the               digestive               tract.

The               digestive               system               is               considered               to               be               at               the               peak               of               health               and               overall               health               of               the               body               increases.
               Some               food               sources               for               prebiotics               are               inulin               from               root               plants,               raw               oats,               unrefined               wheat,               barley,               rye,               chicory               root,               onion,               garlic,               leeks,               flaxseed,               dark               leafy               greens               such               as               spinach,               legumes               including               lentils               and               red               kidney               beans,               berries,               bananas               and               many               other               fruits.
               Eating               a               balanced               diet               of               these               foods               plus               a               cup               of               yogurt               or               kefir               is               all               the               body               needs               to               obtain               synbiotics.

Also               try               eating               fresh               blueberries               with               a               cup               of               vanilla               or               Greek               yogurt               to               get               the               prebiotics/probiotics               necessary               for               optimal               digestive               health.
               For               more               information,               visit               http://nccam.nih.gov/health/probiotics/.;               http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123846243487972081.html;               http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prebiotic_(nutrition).

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