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2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'calories in ensure plus'|...of cocoa doesn’t have many calories at all and has ... or covered in oil are actually a superfood...applesauce made with no sugar plus 2% fat lowfat yogurt plus ...

About 'calories in ensure plus'|...of cocoa doesn’t have many calories at all and has ... or covered in oil are actually a superfood...applesauce made with no sugar plus 2% fat lowfat yogurt plus ...

Every               person               on               a               restricted               diet               looks               for               ways               to               ward               off               hunger.

Is               it               possible               that               the               Hoodia               gordonii               plant               grown               in               Africa               is               the               answer?

Here's               what               I               found               out.

What               is               Hoodia?
               Hoodia               is               a               species               in               the               flowering               plant               family               Apocynaceae.

Wikipedia               describes               it               as               a               "cactiform"               because               of               its               succulent               characteristics               that               make               it               similar               to               varieties               of               the               cactus               family               (although               not               botanically               related).

Most               Hoodia               species               are               protected,               and               have               been               used               over               the               years               for               medicinal               purposes.

It               grows               naturally               in               South               Africa               and               Namibia,               and               has               garnered               wide               interest               over               the               years               for               its               possible               benefit               as               an               appetite               suppressant.
               Uses               of               Hoodia               gordonii
               The               South               African               populations               have               used               Hoodia               for               many               years               to               treat               indigestion               and               infections.

But               it               is               their               use               of               the               plant               for               centuries               as               an               appetite               suppressant               that               has               companies               around               the               world               taking               notice.

The               claim               is               that               during               times               of               famine               or               when               African               Bushmen               set               out               on               long               hunting               trips               in               the               Kalahari               Desert,               they               chewed               on               the               meat               of               the               succulent               plant               to               stave               off               hunger.
               Hoodia               gordonii:               Dieting               Hype?
               According               to               Wikipedia,               it               was               in               1977               that               the               South               African               Council               for               Scientific               and               Industrial               Research               (CSIR)               isolated               the               ingredient               in               Hoodia,               known               as               P57,               which               is               credited               with               suppressing               appetite.

The               Sans               tribespeople               retain               the               rights               to               Hoodia,               and               will               share               in               all               profits               from               the               sale               of               Hoodia               products               across               the               planet.
               What               should               you               know               about               Hoodia?

U.K.-based               Phytopharm               and               Pfizer               collaborated               to               synthesize               Hoodia               for               use               as               an               appetite               suppressant.

However,               Pfizer               eventually               released               its               interest,               because               of               the               difficulty               of               synthesis,               and               possible               effects               on               the               liver               by               related               components               they               had               difficulty               removing.

A               scientific               study               on               rats               using               a               purified               extract               of               Hoodia               was               found               inconclusive               because               the               P57               was               too               easily               broken               down               by               the               rats'               livers,               and               didn't               provide               enough               of               the               active               ingredient               to               determine               adequate               results.

Sales               of               fake               Hoodia               is               rampant               over               the               internet.

The               experts               say               that               more               Hoodia               is               sold               in               North               American               than               can               possibly               be               produced               in               South               Africa!

They               recommend               buying               from               reputable               retailers               and               manufacturers               to               ensure               getting               a               product               that               actually               contains               Hoodia.
               Hoodia               gordonii:               Can               it               Really               Help               Weight               Loss?
               While               many               weight               loss               experts               are               skeptical               of               the               actual               effects               of               Hoodia,               there               have               been               studies               that               support               its               effectiveness.

WebMD's               article,               "Hoodia:               Lots               of               Hoopla,               Little               Science"               by               Kathleen               Doheny,               states               that               the               American               Botanical               Council               in               Austin,               Texas               conducted               a               study               on               Hoodi               gordonii               that               indicates               promise.
               Doheny               warns               that               the               evidence               is               not               conclusive               at               this               point,               but               quotes               Mark               Blumenthal,               Executive               Director,               as               saying,               "We               can               only               say               the               evidence               available               to               us               right               now,               which               is               considered               inadequate,               suggests               that               there               is               some               type               of               appetite-suppressing               mechanism               in               some               of               the               naturally               occurring               chemicals               in               Hoodia,".

Their               research               indicates               that               the               P57               seems               to               affect               the               brain's               hypothalamus,               which               regulates               appetite.

They               also               claimed               they               had               not               received               any               reports               of               safety               problems               associated               with               Hoodia               use.
               Richard               M.

Goldfarb,               a               Morrisville,               PA               doctor,               also               conducted               a               small               study               of               the               effects               of               Hoodia               on               7               individuals               and               found               it               to               be               effective.

His               study               showed               that               the               participants               lost               approximately               3.3%               of               their               body               weight               during               the               28               day               study               (10               pounds               was               the               average),               with               the               participants               reporting               that               their               intake               of               food               decreased               by               more               than               half.
               My               Personal               Experience               with               Hoodia
               Wanting               to               lose               ten               pounds               and               hearing               about               Hoodia,               I               researched               it               online.

I               was               intrigued,               so               in               spite               of               conflicting               opinions,               I               decided               to               try               Hoodia               myself               and               test               its               effectiveness.

I               realized               my               main               challenge               was               to               find               a               product               that               actually               contained               Hoodia,               and               applied               a               "buyer               beware"               attitude.
               I               found               products               containing               Hoodia               at               my               Hi-Health               store,               which               I               believe               to               be               a               reputable               retailer.

I               purchased               a               product               distributed               by               Applied               Nutrition,               called               10-Day               Hoodia               Plus               Green               Tea               Extract.

It               contained               30               liquid               soft-gel               caps,               each               containing               200               mg               of               Hoodia               gordinii               powder               and               other               ingredients               claimed               to               be               effective               for               weight               loss.

The               cost               was               around               $8.00.

(I               could               not               find               it               at               HiHealth.com.)
               I               take               one               tablet               at               mealtime,               (you               can               take               two),               and               can               honestly               say               that               I               feel               full               quicker               and               stay               satisfied               longer               after               meals.

I               do               get               hungry,               but               this               Hoodia               supplement               seems               to               take               the               edge               off               my               hunger               for               long               periods               of               time               effectively.
               I               also               purchased               a               canister               of               their               Dreamy               Vanilla               Bean               Ultimate               Meal               protein               drink               (recommended               by               the               store               manager)               which               contains               145               calories,               250               mg               of               Hoodia,               21g               protein,               5g               carbs               and               4               g               of               fat               per               serving.

It               is               delicious,               just               like               the               manager               promised!

I               blend               one               scoop               of               the               powder,               10               ounces               of               water               and               ice,               and               a               packet               of               Splenda               to               create               a               decadent               tasting               treat               that               tastes               much               like               a               milkshake!
               The               results               of               my               personal               Hoodia               test?

I               believe               it               works!

I               suppose               it               is               possible               that               the               combination               of               ingredients               in               the               products               I               purchased               is               the               secret,               but               all               I               know               is               that               I               am               eating               less               and               losing               weight.
               If               you               are               considering               Hoodia               to               help               you               lose               weight,               I               would               echo               what               the               experts               recommend:               Buy               a               Hoodia               product               from               a               reputable               source!

Maybe               in               time,               the               researchers               will               have               conclusive               evidence               of               the               power               of               Hoodia               gordinii,               and               it               will               earn               FDA               approval.

Until               then,               if               you               decide               to               try               it,               check               with               your               doctor,               be               smart               what               you               buy               and,               just               like               any               other               appetite               suppressant,               don't               rely               on               it               for               an               extended               period               of               time.
               Wikipedia:               Hoodia               

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    2013년 11월 24일 일요일

    About 'ensure calories'|... by high blood sugar It does that too. So, if you: Use a logbook to ensure you take active sitting breaks, Avoid ALL soft drinks, high fructose...

    About 'ensure calories'|... by high blood sugar It does that too. So, if you: Use a logbook to ensure you take active sitting breaks, Avoid ALL soft drinks, high fructose...

                   n               January               2013               my               husband               and               I               made               some               major               life               changes               in               order               to               live               a               healthier               lifestyle.

    One               of               the               first               steps               we               took               was               to               change               our               diet.

    We               began               using               the               "MyFitnessPal"               application               to               track               every               meal               we               ate.

    It               wasn't               long               before               we               started               noticing               the               weight               loss.

    Until               now               it's               been               easy,               but               with               the               holiday               season               upon               us,               things               are               getting               a               little               more               difficult               to               control.
                   I've               decided               to               be               proactive,               and               have               already               planned               my               Thanksgiving               day               meal               to               ensure               I               can               enjoy               the               day               with               my               family               without               worrying               about               my               calorie               count.
                   In               the               past,               I               would               eat               two               or               even               three               big               meals               on               Thanksgiving               without               giving               a               second               thought               to               the               amount               of               calories               I               was               consuming.

    Well,               this               year               has               to               be               different.

    Here's               a               look               at               my               calorie               controlled               Thanksgiving               day               dinner.
                   The               meat
                   For               as               many               years               as               I               can               remember               my               father               has               cooked               the               turkey               I've               eaten               on               Thanksgiving,               but               this               year               will               be               different.

    His               turkey               is               slow               cooked               in               butter               and               other               yummy               things               that               make               it               way               too               high               in               calories               for               me.

    So               this               year               I               will               bake               my               own               small               turkey               breast.

    I               plan               to               bake               a               5oz               of               turkey               breast,               which               will               add               119               calories               to               my               meal.
                   The               sides
                   Our               normal               meal               consists               of               corn,               green               beans,               coleslaw,               potatoes               salad,               candy               yams,               and               much               more.

    Of               course               I               can't               eat               most               of               these               things               because               they               are               too               high               in               calories.

    This               year               I've               decided               to               have               a               medium,               baked               sweet               potato               (103               calories)               with               "I               can't               believe               it's               not               butter"               spray               (0               calories),               and               a               teaspoon               of               brown               sugar               (15               calories)               alongside               ¼               a               cup               of               turkey               "Stove               Top               Stuffing"               (80               calories).

    My               sides               will               add               198               calories               to               my               meal.
                   Dessert               has               always               been               my               favorite               part               of               the               Thanksgiving               meal,               but               it's               so               high               in               calories               that               I               rarely               eat               it               now.

    This               year               I               plan               to               have               a               strawberry               cheesecake               Temptations               dessert               cup               by               JELL-O               (130               calories),               and               one               crushed               low               fat               graham               cracker               (70               calories).

    My               dessert               will               add               another               200               calories               to               my               meal.
                   All               told,               my               Thanksgiving               day               meal               will               be               a               total               of               517               calories,               which               may               seem               low,               but               I               know               I               will               cheat               a               little               by               nibbling               on               other               things,               so               it's               just               about               perfect.
                   More               from               this               contributor:               
                   Tips               for               Hosting               Your               First               Thanksgiving               Dinner               
                   First               Person:               Hosting               Thanksgiving               Dinner               for               $30               
                   Safe               "Human"               Foods               to               Add               to               Your               Dog's               Thanksgiving               Dinner               

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