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2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'ensure lactose free'|Lactose Intolerance

About 'ensure lactose free'|Lactose Intolerance

September               is               right               around               the               corner               and               we               all               know               what               that               means;               a               30               day               long               excuse               to               indulge               in               one               of               America's               favorite               frozen               treats.

September               is               National               Ice               Cream               Sandwich               Month!
               This               is               a               fact               that               most               undoubtedly               guarantees               a               major               influx               of               fun               social               opportunity               invites               coming               your               way.

All               of               which               of               course               are               sure               to               offer               an               endless               supply               of               ice               cream               sandwiches.

What               more               could               you               want,               right?
               Well,               not               necessarily,               actually.

While               ice               cream               in               general,               sandwich               included               or               not,               is               undeniably               a               favorite               dessert               for               many,               there               are               more               people               than               you               may               realize               who               cannot               or               simply               choose               to               not               eat               ice               cream               for               various               reasons.
               I               am               not               only               referring               to               weight               loss               dieters,               who               try               to               avoid               fat               or               sugar               because               of               the               calorie               count.

There               are               all               kinds               of               diets               that               do               not               permit               dairy.

The               vegan               diet               which               is               similar               to               vegetarianism               does               not               allow               ingredients               of               any               kind               that               were               derived               from               animal               sources,               including               dairy.

There               are               also               many               people               who               react               negatively               to               lactose.

The               list               of               dairy               free               diets               goes               on.
               This               doesn't               mean               you               should               avoid               inviting               your               dairy               free               friends               to               your               National               Ice               Cream               Sandwich               Month               Celebration               and               for               those               of               you               who               receive               invitations               it               doesn't               mean               you               can't               go               and               eat.

It               just               merely               means               a               few               extra               accommodations               are               in               order.

Fortunately,               there               happens               to               be               an               ice               cream               sandwich               alternative               available               now               in               most               major               supermarkets               that               is               100%               dairy               free.
               The               dairy               free               ice               cream               sandwich               alternatives               go               by               the               name               Tofutti               Cuties.

Manufactured               by               Tofutti               Brands,               Inc,               Tofutti               Cuties               look               and               taste               almost               identical               to               frozen               yogurt               only               instead               of               milk               and               other               dairy               products               as               ingredients,               they               contain               tofu,               derived               from               soybeans.
               Tofutti               dairy               free               ice               cream               alternative               products               were               invented               in               the               1970s               by               Tofutti               Brands'               determined               and               devoted               owner,               David               Mintz.

The               idea               of               using               tofu               to               make               ice               cream-like               products               came               to               Mintz               when               he               owned               a               kosher               delicatessen               in               Brooklyn               and               was               presented               with               a               dilemma.

He               really               wanted               to               provide               a               follow               up               frozen               dessert               to               top               off               his               popular               homemade               entrees               such               as               Lasagna               and               Beef               Stroganoff,               only               nothing               really               completed               the               meal               except               for               desserts               with               dairy               products               in               them.

However,               in               order               to               maintain               a               kosher               meal,               it               is               not               permitted               to               mix               meat               with               dairy.
               After               reading               about               the               health               benefits               of               tofu,               Mintz               set               out               to               create               with               it               the               perfect               dairy               free               dessert               to               properly               hit               the               spot               after               his               Italian               home               style               meals               while               keeping               Kosher               and               offering               some               health               benefits               as               well.

According               to               the               stories,               Mintz               persevered               with               this               project               until               he               got               it               right.

He               says               in               interviews               that               his               friends               and               associates               and               people               in               various               related               food               and               technology               industries               shot               his               idea               down               and               dismissed               his               inspiration               with               comments               like               "That's               been               tried               before,               it               can't               be               done."               But               Mintz               had               a               lot               of               hope               and               he               kept               at               it,               despite               many               failures,               until               he               made               dairy               free               tofu               ice               cream               treat               alternatives               a               reality.

Since               he               took               his               Tofutti               Brands               Inc               public,               the               company               has               created               a               long               list               of               dairy               free               products               using               tofu               as               the               main               ingredient.
               Tofutti               Cuties               and               the               other               Tofutti               Brands               products               are               a               delicious               dairy               free               food               that               actually               taste               so               wonderful               that               even               people               who               do               consume               dairy               products               tend               to               enjoy               them.

Many               people's               first               reaction               upon               discovering               the               product               uses               tofu               is               "Yuk".

This               reaction               is               normal               and               within               good               reason               too.

Tofu               is               thought               of               as               a               meat               alternative;               it's               difficult               to               imagine               eating               this               stuff               frozen               and               sweetened.
               Actually,               as               it               turns               out,               the               strong               taste               of               soybean               curd               and               the               not               so               creamy               texture               when               frozen               are               exactly               the               factors               which               for               a               long               time               prevented               Mintz               from               successfully               making               a               desirable               product.

Apparently               he               made               batch               after               batch               with               various               ingredients               and               techniques               and               realized               the               reason               this               type               of               product               never               made               it               big               was               because               it               had               a               really               distinctive               soy               taste.
               The               best               part               though               is               that               he               recognized               this               as               unappealing,               worked               very               hard               to               ensure               that               his               product               tasted               similar               to               traditional               ice               cream               or               frozen               yogurt               and               eventually               succeeded.

(The               bad               part               is               he's               keeping               his               ingenious               recipe               a               secret).

Tofutti               Cuties               along               with               the               other               Tofutti               products               have               a               silky               smooth,               creamy-like               consistency               and               taste               delicious.

There               is               not               even               the               slightest               trace               of               soy               or               tofu               when               eaten.

You               might               even               be               able               to               trick               someone               who               didn't               already               know               into               thinking               they               were               eating               real               frozen               yogurt               made               with               milk               and               cream.
               Tofutti               Cuties               are               a               great               dairy               free               ice               cream               sandwich               alternative               to               provide               for               your               guests               at               your               National               Ice               Cream               Sandwich               Month               celebration               during               the               month               of               September.

Not               only               will               it               make               your               party               unique               but               it               will               make               your               vegan               or               kosher               dieting               friends               feel               really               special               and               included.
               Dairy               Free               ice               cream               sandwich               alternatives,               Tofutti               Cuties               are               lactose               free,               milk               free               and               do               not               contain               any               butterfat.

They               come               in               a               box               with               8               sandwiches               in               the               following               flavors:               Vanilla,               Cookies               'N               Cream,               Totally               Vanilla,               Strawberry               Wave,               Chocolate               Wave,               Chocolate,               Peanut               Butter,               Mint               Chocolate               Chip,               Coffee               Break,               Wild               Berry,               Blueberry               Wave,               and               Key               Lime.

They               are               sold               at               major               health               food               stores               and               many               traditional               chain               supermarket               locations.
               To               learn               more               about               Tofutti               Cuties               and               other               Tofutti               products               visit               the               official               Tofutti               Brands,               Inc               website.

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