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Hello               (UNDISCLOSED               INDIVIDUAL),               and               I               am               so               happy               to               have               found               your               listing               today               on               (UNDISCLOSED               FUNDRAISING               WEBSITE).

I               have               at               least               two               ideas               on               how               to               help               you               -               one               idea               for               your               health,               and               one               to               help               you               get               some               funds               flowing               in,               more               funds               than               you               say               you               are               making               right               now.

First               off,               I               am               a               survivor               of               Chronic               Fatigue               Syndrome               (self-identification               with               CFS               through               much               reading),               and               I               can               vouch               that               this               is               hormone-related,               or               at               least               it               was               for               me.

But,               it               did               not               cost               me               as               much               to               get               well               as               you               say               it               is               going               to               take.

I               went               with               naturopathic               medicine               in               (UNDISCLOSED               LOCATION).

It               cost               $175.00               for               my               first               visit               to               this               doctor,               and               then               $90               every               time               thereafter.

I               was               diagnosed               with               adrenal               exhaustion/insufficiency,               parasites,               B               vitamin               and               protein               deficiencies,               fruit               intolerance,               reactive               hypoglycemia,               hypothyroidism.

The               psychiatrist               also               had               a               negative               opinion               of               me.

I               was               careful               to               deny               any               depression               because               I               didn't               want               drugs               pushed               on               me.

The               issues               created               100-200               symptoms               ...

I               don't               know               exactly               how               many               because               I               haven't               gone               back               to               count               and               am               now               getting               on               with               my               life               through               being               a               caregiver               to               the               developmentally               disabled,               as               well               as               doing               some               moneymaking               online               activities               and               riding               bicycles.
               During               this               time,               I               went               to               the               clinic               every               3               months               for               nearly               three               years.

The               beginning               of               the               CFS               for               me               was               1999               for               sure,               and               there               were               prodomal               symptoms               (symptoms               that               come               before               the               actual               illness)               all               the               way               to               1993.

I               didn't               know               if               I               would               ever               get               well               but               I               was               communicating               with               someone               who               was               even               worse               off               than               me               so               I               had               to               give               it               my               best               shot               for               both               our               sakes               and               not               admit               any               doubt               and               say,               "YOU               CAN               DO               IT!!!"               a               lot.

In               the               end,               she               said               those               positive               reinforcements               and               faith               were               what               helped               her               the               most               to               pull               through.

It               helped               me,               too.

I               could               not               afford               not               to               believe.

It               reminds               me               of               how               some               religious               texts               talk               about               faith               making               you               well.
               September               2002               to               March               2005               was               a               time               of               acute               crisis               where               working               or               even               staying               awake               more               than               a               few               hours               a               day               was               impossible.

I               was               on               General               Assistance               for               the               Unemployable               and               food               stamps               through               this               time               until               I               sought               a               job               in               retail               (mistake               -               too               much               energy               required).
               There               are               success               stories               on               the               Internet               regarding               CFS,               and               if               you               determine               you               want               to               get               well               with               all               your               heart,               it               is               possible.

How               possible               it               is               for               your               particular               case               depends               on               what               you               are               willing               to               do               to               become               well               and               also               has               to               do               with               what               the               INDIVIDUAL               underlying               causes               of               your               particular               case               of               CFS               are.
               This               is               what               I               did               to               become               well:
               1)               Take               all               processed               food               out               of               my               diet.

Replace               it               with               fresh,               raw               fruits               and               vegetables.

I               had               to               change               my               tastes               and               get               used               to               what               REAL               FOOD               tasted               like.

It               was               easier               to               do               since               I               had               grown               up               on               an               organic               farm,               I               had               just               ended               up               during               college               years               falling               prey               to               society's               problems               of               poor               nutrition.

Raw               fruits               and               vegetables               contain               many,               many,               many               more               vitamins               than               cooked               foods               do.

Sprouts,               like               alfalfa               sprouts,               which               I               did               from               time               to               time,               even               contain               more               vitamins               than               the               fruits               and               vegetables.

Vitamins               and               minerals               are               the               basis               of               health               but               the               regular               medical               system               is               slow               to               tell               people               that               choosing               the               right               foods               -               ones               that               are               nutritious               -               will               go               a               long               way               toward               preventing               disease.

Even               so-called               health               food               isn't               necessarily               healthy!

Go               back               to               nature!

The               fruits               and               vegetables               in               their               natural               state               have               vital               energy               --               ki,               chi,               prana               --               which               nourish               the               glands               which               produce               hormones,               and               they               are               color-coded               for               which               centers               they               nourish!
               2)               Got               naturopathic               treatment               and               information               from               UNDISCLOSED               DR.

in               UNDISCLOSED               LOCATION.
               3)               Parasite               cleanse               -               Wormwood               and               Black               Walnut               hull               treatment               -               got               through               naturopathic               doctor               but               it               is               available               on               the               net               I               am               sure.

The               parasites               showed               up               in               blood               samples               under               her               microscope.
               4)               Raw               vegetable               juices               ...

carrots,               beets,               celery...

the               first               time               I               juiced               it               was               any               vegetable               I               had               in               the               fridge               that               I               was               about               to               lose               because               I               had               no               appetite.

Even               cucumbers.

I               had               energy               for               two               days               STRAIGHT,               and               that               was               the               first               energy               I               had               felt               in               months.

I               slept               well               and               had               no               symptoms               for               two               days.

My               blood               went               from               anemic               to               vibrant               over               time               with               the               juice               from               the               fresh               vegetables.

It               gave               me               vitamins,               minerals,               and               raised               my               alkaline               balance.
               5)               Natural               glandulars               for               endocrine               function:               (use               a               natural               practitioner's               help               to               determine               what               your               issues               are               and               what               you               actually               should               take               so               that               you               don't               set               yourself               back               or               get               on               the               wrong               path)
               I               took               Drenatrophin               (adrenal               glandular)               for               adrenal               exhaustion/insufficiency               -               through               naturopath               but               also               available               elsewhere
               I               took               Thytrophin               for               low               thyroid               -               through               naturopath               but               it               didn't               work,               and               neither               did               her               suggestion               of               SP               Green               Foods.

I               found               that               Barleygreen               (now               called               BarleyLife),               the               one               that               contains               kelp,               raised               my               thyroid               to               normal.

(Now               Powerhouse:               the               original               32               works               for               that,               and               is               more               cost               effective.)
               Helped               my               low               thyroid:               
               Powerhouse:               the               original               32               can               be               obtained               from:
               Vital               Food               Products               
               a               subsidiary               of               Rainbow               Acres               
               13208               Washington               Blvd.

               Los               Angeles,               CA               90066               
               Phone:               213-306-8330
               Standard               Process               -               the               company               that               makes               these               -               has               glandulars               for               other               endocrine               glands.

The               glandulars               don't               cost               very               much               compared               to               standard               medical               procedures!

Naturopathic               practitioners               would               be               the               ones               prescribing               these.
               6)               B               vitamin               supplementation               -               Standard               Process               product               -               through               naturopath               but               also               available               elsewhere.

I               also               took               Inositol,               for               the               adrenal               glands,               also               comes               through               Standard               Process               -               available               elsewhere.
               7)               Barleygreen               -               now               called               BarleyLife.

Their               site               is               at               www.aimforlife.com.

It               is               way,               way               expensive               but               there               are               deals               on               it               now               if               you               look               for               discounts               on               the               web.

It               helped               a               lot               with               energy.

Not               taking               it               now               and               wish               I               was               but               have               to               boost               my               revenues               to               afford               it.
               8)               The               Hallelujah               Diet               -               This               site               www.hallelujahacres.com               speaks               of               85%               diet               of               raw               fruits               and               vegetables,               and               the               other               things               that               are               cooked               are               natural.

This               diet               helps               people               with               Fibromyalgia,               too.
               9)               Dr.

Richard               Schulze               Superfood.

The               combination               of               this               and               Barleygreen               REALLY               made               me               feel               good.
               10)               Dr.

Richard               Schulze               colon               cleansers               #1               and               #2               -               they               are               effective               and               I               tried               them               briefly               when               they               were               given               to               me.

I               mostly               did               psyllium               seed               powder               (not               the               husks),               in               a               smoothie               or               juice               -               for               cleaning               my               clogged               colon.

It               was               cheaper               and               still               quite               effective.
               11)               I               suffered               from               random               mandatory               naps               (crashes)               and               it               was               finally               traced               to               reactive               hypoglycemia.

A               half               a               bottle               of               Pancreatrophin               (               a               pancreas               glandular)               fixed               this...

from               naturopath               and               also               from               elsewhere.

But               there               may               be               other               reasons               why               the               blood               sugar               goes               whacko...

the               adrenals,               liver,               pancreas,               and               pituitary               all               help               to               balance               blood               sugar.

A               cataract               is               in               my               eye               from               the               blood               sugar               crash               days               and               I               aim               to               dissolve               it               naturally.
               12)               Once               my               colon               was               unclogged               I               did               a               liver               cleanse               with               info               I               found               on               the               net               --               the               citrus               and               olive               oil               one               -               doesn't               taste               good               but               it               flushes               stones               out.
               13)               I               researched               acid/alkaline               balance               and               pH               on               the               Internet               and               used               this               knowledge               for               healing.

An               acid               body               can               cause               many,               many               degenerative               diseases,               and               it               causes               low               thyroid,               tooth               decay,               osteoporosis,               and               risk               of               many               cancers               for               starters.
               14)               I               solved               10               years               of               a               low               thyroid               with               the               information               at               this               site:               http://biomedx.com/microscopes/rrintro/rr4.html               on               why               iodine               doesn't               absorb               until               the               pH               (acid/alkaline               balance)               is               nearly               perfect.

Juicing               raw               vegetables               and               eating               raw               fruits               and               vegetables               raises               the               pH,               and               processed               food,               pop,               junk               food,               lack               of               sleep               lowers               it.

Barleygreen/BarleyLife               was               helping               the               pH               balance               to               go               up               and               the               iodine               from               the               kelp               absorbed               when               the               pH               was               nearly               perfect.
               15)               The               vegetable               juicing               (carrots,               beets,               celery,               and               whatever               else               I               had),               the               Barleygreen               and               Superfoods,               helped               to               build               my               blood               with               lots               of               vitamins               and               minerals.The               nutritious               blood               nourishes               the               organs               and               glands,               and               the               glands               produce               hormones.
               16)               I               studied               chakra               energy               centers               and               how               to               boost               them.

Chakras               and               glands               which               create               hormones               are               related.
               17)               I               sought               out               anyone               who               had               any               success               with               CFS               on               the               net,               through               web               pages,               blogs,               and               the               forum               at               this               site:               www.chronicfatiguesupport.com.
               18)               I               did               deep               breathing.

This               oxygenates               the               blood,               which               nourishes               the               organs               and               glands.

I               didn't               always               even               go               out               on               the               porch               to               do               it.

Just               sometimes               with               the               window               open.
               19)               I               did               not               exercise               till               I               was               able               because               it               made               me               sicker               since               I               had               adrenal               exhaustion.

When               I               was               ready               and               well               enough,               I               could               bicycle               10               miles               without               trouble.
               20)               I               took               the               attitude               that               I               was               going               to               get               well,               no               matter               what!!!!!

Comment               to               General               Practitioner               in               first               couple               visits               when               she               wasn't               understanding               that               I               really               was               sick:               "I               know               there               is               something               wrong,               and               I               will               pick               up               every               rock               until               I               find               it!"
               21)               Super               Blue               Green               Algae               tablets               made               me               feel               WONDERFUL               but               it               was               expensive               and               I               could               not               afford               it               at               the               time.

I               would               like               to               take               it               again.

It,               Spirulina,               and               Chlorella,               are               highly               beneficial.
               22)               Now               at               this               site:               www.abnat.com               there               is               a               product               similar               to               Dr.

Richard               Schulze               Superfoods               but               it               is               cheaper,               and               has               all               the               same               ingredients               plus               two               more.

It               is               called               Powerfoods               and               you               can               get               it               in               a               large               bag               to               save               even               more               money.
               23)               I               questioned               the               doctors,               and               reserved               the               right               to               make               up               my               own               mind.

If               I               had               not               reserved               the               right               to               question               and               make               up               my               own               mind               between               all               the               medical               opinions               being               given,               I               would               not               be               well               today.
               24)               I               did               not               take               drugs               for               my               illness               to               cover               up               any               of               the               symptoms,               nor               did               I               drink               coffee               to               cover               up               lack               of               energy.
               25)               The               product               I               have               settled               on               for               my               low               thyroid               is               Powerhouse:               the               Original               32.

With               about               2               weeks               of               taking               it,               I               can               boost               my               body               temperature               2.5               degrees               up               to               normal.

I               haven't               figured               out               how               to               do               without               it               except               to               put               the               things               in               my               diet               that               are               in               this               product,               which               I               haven't               done               yet.

I               put               in               a               review               on               this               product               at               this               site               except               that               I               spelled               Los               Angeles               wrong               :-(               http://www.reviewstream.com/reviews/?p=14916.

It               gives               the               address               and               phone               number               of               where               to               get               it,               and               what's               in               it.
               26)               I               dealt               with               chronic               systemic               candidiasis               by               eating               a               lot               of               garlic               and               avoiding               pasta,               potatoes,               too               much               cooked               food,               sugar,               sugar               substitutes,               ice               cream,               dairy,               and               anything               artificial.

I               would               have               taken               ThreeLac               if               I               could               have               afforded               it.

In               order               to               keep               it               from               coming               back,               I               must               avoid               processed               food,               sugar,               additives,               and               anything               artificial.

Chronic               candidiasis               was               causing               sore               throats,               psoriasis,               chronic               coughing,               and               chronic               sinusitis,               as               well               as               an               itchy               nose               and               constant               sneezing.

I               had               a               chronic               sinus               infection               for               10               years               before               eating               garlic               for               it               -               I               did               go               to               extremes               when               competing               with               a               friend               over               the               web               cam               on               how               much               garlic               we               could               eat               -               150               cloves               in               one               month               was               what               I               did               (good               thing               I               never               went               anywhere               -               you               could               probably               smell               me               from               a               mile               away!!),
               But               the               raw               garlic               resulted               in               a               clear               nose               and               no               more               of               the               symptoms               above.

CAUTION:               Garlic               can               lower               blood               sugar               and               blood               pressure               so               be               mindful               of               that               and               of               any               other               reason               why               you               should               be               careful.
               27)               Getting               simpler               and               listening               to               what               I               really               wanted               to               do.

Using               caller               ID               or               answering               machine               to               screen               calls               when               I               didn't               feel               up               to               talking               and               needed               to               sleep.

Saying               no               when               I               didn't               feel               up               to               something               instead               of               making               myself               do               it.

Sleeping               if               I               felt               like               sleeping.
               28)               DOCTOR               DOUBT:               Don't               get               me               wrong,               I               couldn't               have               put               together               this               puzzle               without               their               help,               but               this               is               where               it               was               wrong:
               The               allergist               was               wrong:               I               wasn't               allergic               to               mold               and               grass               and               certain               tree               leaves               as               much               as               I               was               allergic               to               SUGAR               and               ARTIFICIAL               INGREDIENTS.
               The               General               Practitioner's               solution:               Paxil               for               fatigue,               just               didn't               cut               it.

I               wasn't               fatigued               because               I               had               a               drug               deficiency,               even               if               it               WOULD               raise               serotonin.
               The               psychiatrist               was               wrong:               I               was               not               chronically               mentally               ill.
               The               General               Practitioner               was               wrong:               I               really               did               have               a               low               thyroid               and               blood               sugar               problems               even               if               their               tests               didn't               indicated               it.
               The               naturopath               was               wrong:               going               to               sleep               at               10               pm               just               didn't               work               and               trying               to               force               it               to               work               by               taking               Melatonin               made               the               problem               worse.

What               worked               was               fixing               blood               sugar               with               natural               glandulars               so               that               I               wasn't               napping               and               ruining               night               sleep.
               Friends               were               wrong:               that               the               reason               why               I               caught               everything               was               because               I               didn't               have               a               positive               enough               mindset               or               that               I               wasn't               getting               flu               shots.
               The               nurse               at               the               clinic               was               wrong:               I               was               not               a               hypochrondriac.
               29)               I               read               the               book               by               James               Wilson               about               Adrenal               Fatigue:               the               21st               Century               Stress               Syndrome.
               30)               I               communicated               by               email               and               phone               while               I               was               getting               well               with               someone               who               was               like-minded               (she               is               now               well,               and               I               am               communicating               with               someone               else               and               she               experiences               times               of               remission,               and               continually               experiments               to               find               out               what               works               for               healing               for               her).
               31)               The               train               ticket               cure.....

the               pig               poop               cure.

The               attitude               that               it               doesn't               have               to               taste               good               -               that               if               it               will               make               you               well,               then               you               will               do               it.

My               sister               said               she               would               do               anything               that               made               her               well               even               if               it               tasted               like               train               tickets.


said               she               would               do               anything               that               got               her               well               even               if               it               tasted               like               pig               poop.
               32)               Likely               this               information               is               overwhelming               in               this               large               volume,               but               you               must               remember               I               came               across               it               GRADUALLY.

If               you               can               change               nothing               financially               right               now,               just               knock               the               processed               food               out               and               put               fresh               and               natural               foods               in,               and               that               will               change               things               that               even               drugs               and               medicines               can't               change.
               33)               I               took               one               new               item               at               a               time,               supplement-wise,               and               did               not               add               or               subtract               till               I               knew               if               it               worked               or               not.

If               I               didn't               feel               a               difference,               and               I               ran               out,               it               was               not               a               priority               to               get               it.

If               I               ran               out               and               I               relapsed               that               was               a               good               sign               I               needed               the               supplement.

I               had               $339               a               month               General               Assistance               for               the               Unemployable,               and               $141               food               stamps               and               it               was               not               nearly               enough,               but               I               had               to               make               it               work               to               pay               two               credit               card               payments,               rent               on               subsidized               housing,               phone,               Internet               for               searching               for               a               cure,               natural               food,               gas,               insurance,               and               paying               the               naturopathic               doctor               bill.

How               I               did               that               is               beyond               me!
               34)               Seeing               my               blood               under               a               microscope               at               the               naturopath's               office               was               tremendous.

I               could               see               how               I               was               improving               by               seeing               what               my               blood               looked               like!!
               35)               I               kept               a               journal               of               symptoms               and               what               I               ate,               when               I               went               to               bed               and               got               up,               what               my               body               temperature               was,               as               well               as               the               things               I               was               thankful               for.

Over               three               years               the               negatives               went               down               and               the               positives               went               up               due               to               this               daily               focus.

I               learned               to               notice               the               beautiful               things               of               life,               the               things               others               may               miss.

I               watched               the               squirrel               go               up               and               down               the               telephone               pole,               smelled               the               wind               and               rain,               and               appreciated               any               time               I               felt               any               better.
               36)               I               noticed               that               whether               I               had               dreams               at               night               or               not               depended               on               my               health               ..

namely               the               health               of               my               liver               and               thyroid.

After               getting               well,               if               I               noticed               that               I               wasn't               dreaming               much               any               more,               it               was               a               sign               that               I               was               becoming               nutritionally               deficient               and               clogged.
               37)               Made               a               daily               goal               of               how               much               water               to               drink.

Nothing               but               water               counts               as               water               (juice,               coffee,               Gatorade,               all               that               does               not               count               as               water).
               38.YOU               CAN               DO               IT!!!

You               can               break               the               bonds               of               illness!!!

If               you               wait               for               scientists               to               fix               this               you               will               be               waiting               a               long,               lonnnng               time!

You               are               the               scientist,               and               you               must               figure               out               how               your               body               works               by               listening               to               the               messages               that               it               tells               you.

:-)               Search               google               for               more               ideas               on               how               to               beat               Chronic               Fatigue               Syndrome.

Search               for               the               winners,               those               who               who               have               success               stories.

They               ARE               out               there!
               Talking               About               Finding               Money               for               Getting               Well:
               Idea               for               bringing               in               some               funds               to               help               you               get               well,               if               you               can               write,               you               came               across               this               article               through               a               search               engine,               and               you               are               not               already               a               member               of               Associated               Content,               write               articles               for               pay               like               I'm               doing.

Join               me               in               work               at               home               at:               http://www.associatedcontent.com/join.html?refer=46512
               "There               is               no               such               thing               as               an               incurable               disease."               ~               Dr.

Richard               Schulze
               "If               you               think               health               food               is               expensive,               try               going               to               a               hospital               for               a               week!"               ~               author               unknown
               "Let               your               food               be               your               medicine               and               your               medicine               be               your               food."               ~               Hippocrates
               ************               DISCLAIMER               *************
               None               of               this               should               be               construed               as               medical               advice.

These               statements               have               not               been               evaluated               by               the               FDA.

See               a               qualified               medical               practitioner               for               questions               relating               to               your               health               (alternative,               holistic,               naturopathic               practitioners               would               understand               what               is               presented               here               much,               much               more).

This               is               merely               information               on               how               I               beat               Chronic               Fatigue               Syndrome.

The               underlying               causes               of               yours               may               be               entirely               different.
               For               the               medical               professionals               who               saw               me,               if               you               ever               see               this,               I               do               very               much               appreciate               all               the               help               given,               even               if               I               had               to               try               to               figure               out               what               advice               worked               and               what               advice               I               had               to               toss.

Couldn't               have               done               it               without               you!

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    1. obscurestore.typepad.com/   06/15/2007
      Christopher Woods, 29, says that drinking cans of Boost Plus Nutritional Energy Drink left him with an erection that wouldn't go away, forcing him...
    2. iehealth.blogspot.com/   04/03/2012
      ..., and black-eyed peas – except for B12. Whole grains and nutritional yeast or “Brewers” yeast, and dark molasses are high in B vitamins...
    3. energytwolive.blogspot.com/   08/15/2012
      ... in the nutritional supplement industry. If... amazing energy supplement, more on that.... See Pollen Burst Plus Supplement Facts... added boost of energy it also ...
    4. pc540.blogspot.com/   06/15/2007
      ...kind of lift. Christopher Woods said that drinking cans of Boost Plus Nutritional Energy Drink left him with an erection that wouldn't go away. According to...
    5. aloe-benefits.blogspot.com/   05/26/2011
      ...energy. The immediate boost comes...The long-term energy is ... and other nutritionals developed.... FAB energy drink is a...you have to do, plus the things...
    6. todaysfindsblog.blogspot.com/   05/23/2011
      ...99 sale $39.99 ea. Schick Intuition Plus Shaving Cartridges...Razor System $9.99 Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Boost Vanilla High Protein Nutritional Energy Drink 6 Pack Vanilla $8.29 Buy 1 Get...
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      ... for energy, plus vitamins, ... a positive outlook will boost you up. Stay hydrated...a common cause of fatigue. Drink enough fluids and...
    8. tsuki-chama.livejournal.com/   08/15/2011
      ...orange, ground Pro Plus into it and scraped... con­sid­ered, “Quick Energy” was kind of dis­ap...caffeine-induced energy boost. I can’t really find fault...
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      ...perform at its best. Plus, coconut water ... drink. Blueberries...sugar for an energy boost post-workout. ... Nutritional Content: 43 ...
    10. shine.yahoo.com/blogs/author/ycn-1667509/   11/26/2012
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    2013년 11월 23일 토요일

    About 'boost meal replacement drink'|Losing Energy & Skipping Meals…sound familar

    About 'boost meal replacement drink'|Losing Energy & Skipping Meals…sound familar

    In               today's               society               there               are               many               pressures               that               keep               us               from               taking               the               time               to               eat               a               proper               meal,               especially               with               a               family               that               is               getting               ready               for               school               and               both               parents               preparing               for               work.

    Most               of               the               time,               the               parents               sacrifice               themselves               to               make               sure               that               the               kids               have               a               nutritious               meal,               yet               rush               out               the               door               for               work               as               soon               as               the               bus               arrives,               and               grab               a               nutrient               starved               fast               food               meal.

    Also,               is               your               child's               lunch               meal               any               good               also?

    In               addition,               the               nutritional               value               of               our               foods               has               declined,               as               farmers               are               creating               quantity               over               quality,               and               we               are               slowly               becoming               starved               nutritionally.

    As               a               result,               obesity               is               on               the               rise,               and               our               bodies               ability               to               fight               diseases               and               ailments               have               become               slowed               and               impaired.

    Have               you               noticed               more               and               more               people               are               turning               to               organic               produce               and               products.

    An               organic               tomato               tastes               so               much               better               than               a               conventional               one,               and               could               it               be               that               the               chemicals               that               protect               a               conventional               tomato               has               altered               the               taste.
                   With               a               busy               lifestyle               in               a               go-go-go               world,               is               it               possible               to               blend               all               of               the               good               foods               and               make               a               drink,               shake               or               smoothie?

    That               process               is               tough               and               finding               the               right               combination               of               ingredients               is               probably               near               impossible.
                   What               else               can               we               do?
                   I               know               many               people               who               use               Ensure,               Boost,               Carnation               Instant               Breakfast,               Resource,               Slimfast,               Muscle               Milk               or               Myoplex.

    Note               that               Ensure,               Boost,               Carnation               Instant               Breakfast,               and               Resource               originated               from               hospitals               and               nursing               homes               where               the               elderly               have               a               difficult               eating               real               food,               so               they               turned               to               formulas.

    However,               the               top               ingredients               include               water,               corn               syrup               and               sugar.

    All               of               which               a               healthy               adult               can               do               without,               but               someone               sick               who               needs               quick               energy               may               need               it               to               thrive,               and               they               have               their               place               in               the               healthcare               arena.
                   SlimFast               has               been               marketed               as               a               way               to               lose               weight;               basically,               by               substituting               meals               with               SlimFast               you               would               cut               down               your               calories               dramatically               if               you               follow               the               program.

    However               the               top               ingredients               in               Slimfast               include               skim               milk,               sugar,               fructose,               and               cocoa.
                   Muscle               Milk               and               Myoplex               are               used               by               body               builders               and               athletes,               which               contain               larger               amounts               of               protein               to               aid               in               muscle               growth               and               recover               after               a               workout.

    They               are               made               from               water,               and               a               milk               protein               such               as               Caseinate               and               Whey.
                   If               you               carefully               review               the               ingredients               list               of               these               products,               you               will               notice,               that               they               really               do               not               include               any               real               ingredients.
                   Now               Jamba               Juice               and               Planet               Smoothie               create               tasty               concoctions               with               real               fruit.

    Their               drinks               are               loaded               with               sugars               (40-90               grams               of               sugar).

    And               you               need               to               ask               where               are               they               getting               the               fruit               from?

    If               it               is               not               listed               organic,               it's               probably               conventional.

    These               treats               are               great               in               moderation.
                   Now               that               I've               been               diligently               turning               the               packages               over               to               read               the               ingredients               and               nutritional               facts,               I               was               very               happy               to               read               Shakeology.

    When               you               look               at               Shakeology's               ingredient               list,               it               includes               a               blend               of               70               plus               high               quality               ingredients               from               around               the               world.

    What               the               makers               of               Beachbody               Nutrition               have               done               was               to               research               many               natives               living               in               their               indigenous               environments               away               from               all               the               toxins               and               nutritionally               poor               foods.
                   They               combined               the               best               of               these               ingredients               and               created               Shakeology.

    With               this               combination               and               variety               of               ingredients,               and               since               variety               is               the               spice               of               life,               Shakeology               is               like               no               other               shake               in               the               world.

    For               example,               açai               and               goji               berries,               camu-camu,               quinoa,               wheat               grass,               flax,               maca               root,               yacon,               and               sacha               inchi               are               all               included               in               Shakeology.
                   Shakeology's               ingredients               include               key               nutrient               groups               which               are;
                   •               Protein               &               essential               amino               acids               to               help               build               long,               lean               muscles               and               reduce               food               cravings,
                   •               Prebiotics               &               digestive               enzymes               to               improve               digestion,               regularity,               and               nutrient               absorption
                   •               Antioxidants               &               phytonutrients               to               aid               counteract               free               radical               damage               that               can               lead               to               degenerative               diseases
                   •               Vitamins               &               minerals               your               body               needs               to               function               for               optimal               health
                   Since               Shakeology               is               made               from               real               ingredients,               it               has               been               used               as               a               meal               replacement               or               healthy               snack.
                   Please               consult               your               healthcare               practitioner               and               team               to               review               your               diet               plans,               and               always               be               informed               by               reading               the               nutritional               facts               and               ingredients               on               the               labels.
                   Click               here               for               more               information               and               reviews               regarding               Shakeology.

    Here               you               can               review               what               other               people               are               saying,               include               doctors.

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    1. iehealth.blogspot.com/   01/26/2012
      ...begin to do things that boost your HDL. Use extra virgin olive...corn and soy oil. If you can drink safely, drink a glass of red wine...niacin after your largest meal each day. Be SURE to get regular...
    2. fitnessmalaysiablog.blogspot.com/   10/19/2010
      ...a method to turbo boost your weight loss...Again, not all your meals, just one meal a...i recommend meal replacements to people who want...that. Honestly, just drinking meal replacements...
    3. hofemergencyfoodassistance.wordpress.com/   06/27/2011
      ...and evening of someone like Wendy by donating a case of Boost, Ensure or a similar meal replacement drink the next time you’re grocery shopping. Just one case every other month...
    4. funfitnesstalk.wordpress.com/   12/29/2010
      ... shake/protein/meal replacement drinks. UNTIL… Shakeology. I was... me not only as a meal replacement and boosting energy, but also maintaining...
    5. runtrails.blogspot.com/   05/21/2007
      ... of Ultrafuel, Endurox, Gu, and Mountain Dew. I also have an occasional Boost meal replacement drink for a change of texture and flavor. It’s not exactly standard aid station fare, but it...
    6. mcollister.blogspot.com/   09/07/2008
      ...bit. I kept my nutrition very simple. Every odd hour I slurped down a Boost meal replacement drink, which I carried in my Fuel Belt. Even hours was a Clif bar...
    7. grtriathlon.wordpress.com/   05/06/2011
      ...race nervousness. Meal Replacement Shake I drink one or two meal replacement shakes before almost every race. Brands such as Boost and Ensure have a nearly perfect nutrition...
    8. mybeautyreviews.wordpress.com/   09/29/2007
      ...Allowance. Method of Use: You can drink Complan either hot or cold...the equivalent to a light meal: 2 sachets ...Hmm, do you know that meal replacements usually do not come cheap? So...
    9. dont-stand-on-the-watermelon.blogspot.com/   05/21/2009
      ...about the diagnosis and the diet prescription. Brian suggested that I should try Boost (a meal replacement drink thingy). Last night for dinner, while trying to eat a hamburger (On a bun. Cut...
    10. livingthebest.wordpress.com/   09/18/2008
      ...that creamy taste of a real smoothie but really boost the protein content. Baskin Robins Heath... , diet destroying drinks , drinks , popular drinks This...

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