레이블이 Liquid Meals Drinks for Diabetes인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Liquid Meals Drinks for Diabetes인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'boost meal replacement drink'|Losing Energy & Skipping Meals…sound familar

About 'boost meal replacement drink'|Losing Energy & Skipping Meals…sound familar

In               today's               society               there               are               many               pressures               that               keep               us               from               taking               the               time               to               eat               a               proper               meal,               especially               with               a               family               that               is               getting               ready               for               school               and               both               parents               preparing               for               work.

Most               of               the               time,               the               parents               sacrifice               themselves               to               make               sure               that               the               kids               have               a               nutritious               meal,               yet               rush               out               the               door               for               work               as               soon               as               the               bus               arrives,               and               grab               a               nutrient               starved               fast               food               meal.

Also,               is               your               child's               lunch               meal               any               good               also?

In               addition,               the               nutritional               value               of               our               foods               has               declined,               as               farmers               are               creating               quantity               over               quality,               and               we               are               slowly               becoming               starved               nutritionally.

As               a               result,               obesity               is               on               the               rise,               and               our               bodies               ability               to               fight               diseases               and               ailments               have               become               slowed               and               impaired.

Have               you               noticed               more               and               more               people               are               turning               to               organic               produce               and               products.

An               organic               tomato               tastes               so               much               better               than               a               conventional               one,               and               could               it               be               that               the               chemicals               that               protect               a               conventional               tomato               has               altered               the               taste.
               With               a               busy               lifestyle               in               a               go-go-go               world,               is               it               possible               to               blend               all               of               the               good               foods               and               make               a               drink,               shake               or               smoothie?

That               process               is               tough               and               finding               the               right               combination               of               ingredients               is               probably               near               impossible.
               What               else               can               we               do?
               I               know               many               people               who               use               Ensure,               Boost,               Carnation               Instant               Breakfast,               Resource,               Slimfast,               Muscle               Milk               or               Myoplex.

Note               that               Ensure,               Boost,               Carnation               Instant               Breakfast,               and               Resource               originated               from               hospitals               and               nursing               homes               where               the               elderly               have               a               difficult               eating               real               food,               so               they               turned               to               formulas.

However,               the               top               ingredients               include               water,               corn               syrup               and               sugar.

All               of               which               a               healthy               adult               can               do               without,               but               someone               sick               who               needs               quick               energy               may               need               it               to               thrive,               and               they               have               their               place               in               the               healthcare               arena.
               SlimFast               has               been               marketed               as               a               way               to               lose               weight;               basically,               by               substituting               meals               with               SlimFast               you               would               cut               down               your               calories               dramatically               if               you               follow               the               program.

However               the               top               ingredients               in               Slimfast               include               skim               milk,               sugar,               fructose,               and               cocoa.
               Muscle               Milk               and               Myoplex               are               used               by               body               builders               and               athletes,               which               contain               larger               amounts               of               protein               to               aid               in               muscle               growth               and               recover               after               a               workout.

They               are               made               from               water,               and               a               milk               protein               such               as               Caseinate               and               Whey.
               If               you               carefully               review               the               ingredients               list               of               these               products,               you               will               notice,               that               they               really               do               not               include               any               real               ingredients.
               Now               Jamba               Juice               and               Planet               Smoothie               create               tasty               concoctions               with               real               fruit.

Their               drinks               are               loaded               with               sugars               (40-90               grams               of               sugar).

And               you               need               to               ask               where               are               they               getting               the               fruit               from?

If               it               is               not               listed               organic,               it's               probably               conventional.

These               treats               are               great               in               moderation.
               Now               that               I've               been               diligently               turning               the               packages               over               to               read               the               ingredients               and               nutritional               facts,               I               was               very               happy               to               read               Shakeology.

When               you               look               at               Shakeology's               ingredient               list,               it               includes               a               blend               of               70               plus               high               quality               ingredients               from               around               the               world.

What               the               makers               of               Beachbody               Nutrition               have               done               was               to               research               many               natives               living               in               their               indigenous               environments               away               from               all               the               toxins               and               nutritionally               poor               foods.
               They               combined               the               best               of               these               ingredients               and               created               Shakeology.

With               this               combination               and               variety               of               ingredients,               and               since               variety               is               the               spice               of               life,               Shakeology               is               like               no               other               shake               in               the               world.

For               example,               açai               and               goji               berries,               camu-camu,               quinoa,               wheat               grass,               flax,               maca               root,               yacon,               and               sacha               inchi               are               all               included               in               Shakeology.
               Shakeology's               ingredients               include               key               nutrient               groups               which               are;
               •               Protein               &               essential               amino               acids               to               help               build               long,               lean               muscles               and               reduce               food               cravings,
               •               Prebiotics               &               digestive               enzymes               to               improve               digestion,               regularity,               and               nutrient               absorption
               •               Antioxidants               &               phytonutrients               to               aid               counteract               free               radical               damage               that               can               lead               to               degenerative               diseases
               •               Vitamins               &               minerals               your               body               needs               to               function               for               optimal               health
               Since               Shakeology               is               made               from               real               ingredients,               it               has               been               used               as               a               meal               replacement               or               healthy               snack.
               Please               consult               your               healthcare               practitioner               and               team               to               review               your               diet               plans,               and               always               be               informed               by               reading               the               nutritional               facts               and               ingredients               on               the               labels.
               Click               here               for               more               information               and               reviews               regarding               Shakeology.

Here               you               can               review               what               other               people               are               saying,               include               doctors.

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